Daily Stormer
September 15, 2014

Salafist Muslims in Germany who outraged the citizenry by launching patrols to shut down the system under the name of “Sharia Police” have ditched the orange vests and changed their name. At the same time, they have vowed to continue to attempt to shut down the system and install Sharia law in Germany.
“North Rhine-Westphalia has become the national front runner in imports and exports of holy warriors,” Christian Democratic Union (CDU) state parliament member and interior policy spokesman Theo Kruse said on Friday.
Kruse argued that the state had become a “national space of peace and recovery for Salafists” and a “safe zone” for Islamists.
But Social Democratic Party (SDP) state interior minister Ralf Jäger said that his opponents were exaggerating the concentration of Islamists in the state.
“Salafism is the fastest-growing extremist threat nationwide,” he said.
North Rhine-Westphalia is host to 1,800 of the 6,600 Salafist supporters across the country, and numbers have more than tripled since 2011.
Around 130 from the state are believed to have travelled to Syria, according to the state branch of the secret service.
Meanwhile, the Salafist group which made headlines across Germany when they published photos of themselves in uniform as the ‘Shariah Police’ announced that they plan to rebrand themselves as ‘Pro Halal’.
The group, organized around well-known preacher and German convert to Salafism Sven Lau, will patrol the streets without the official-seeming ‘Shariah Police’ uniforms which stoked anger among politicians and the public.
How is it that we tolerate such things? We are just that tolerant? These people are openly setting up an alternate legal system inside of our countries, and we do nothing to stop them, even though we know their names? Instead we just say “how dare they”?
Man-up, White Man!