Germany Tells People “Manageable” Economic Collapse Could Have Been Worse

Everyone could have died or become seriously addicted to bad drugs.

Instead, it’s just cold showers and deindustrialization.


The German economy is facing two consecutive quarters of contraction, Economy Minister Robert Habeck told a news conference last week at which he presented the newly released projections.

In the report, the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) outlook for 2023 was revised to 0.2% growth this year. Last fall, the government had forecast a 0.4% GDP decline for this year. The inflation outlook has also improved due to the recent drop in energy prices. Price growth for the year is now expected to come in at 6%, down from the previous forecast of 7%.

It’s still likely that we’ll have a technical recession,” Habeck warned, adding that while the country’s economy would avoid a sharp decline, the crisis is far from over.

The message is that we have made the crisis manageable… This does not mean that the crisis is over. But we were able to avert the worst scenarios,” he stated.

These are dumb statements.

The worst scenarios aren’t here yet. They are claiming to know what’s coming but they obviously aren’t doing very good math, or they would have known what is here now was coming.

Back-patting over “well, at least everyone isn’t dead yet” is nuts.

These government people are so smug and poisonous.