Germany to Waste $1 Trillion by 2030 Because America Sabotaged Nord Stream

Related: Hersh Says America Blew the Pipes to Back Germany Into a Corner

Germany is deindustrializing.

Because of… really, what are we even talking about here? Why does Kiev need to control the Donbass? What reason was given?

“Defense of the eternal border integrity of former Soviet states” is the only explanation that I’m aware of, and if you say that out loud, it just sounds insane.


Germany’s government will have to allocate more than $1 trillion by 2030 to deal with the risks and challenges that have arisen due to the energy crisis, Bloomberg reported on Sunday, citing its primary research service.

The enormous costs are expected to include investments in modernization of the country’s power grids and a planned phase-out of its nuclear and coal plants. Berlin will reportedly face growing demand from electric vehicles and heating systems. Moreover, the German authorities are obliged to meet climate commitments.

The increase in power demand by some 30% from the country’s current consumption will take to about 250 gigawatts the new capacity projected to be installed by 2030, according to data provided by the country’s network regulator and think tank Agora Energiewende, as quoted by Bloomberg.

The planned transition is also expected to require the installation of solar panels covering the equivalent of 43 soccer fields and 1,600 heat pumps every day, according to the news agency’s analysts. On top of this, the nation’s ambitious plan would need to see 27 new onshore and four offshore wind farms built per week.


They are doing this on purpose.

Washington, the people who bombed the German pipes, control the German government.

Related: Berlin: Tens of Thousands Rally Against Ukraine War, NATO