Global Study Shows Total Collapse of Faith in Media Post-Virus Hoax


Looks like you blew your load!

You shouldn’t have forced all those people to believe that the flu was a new deadly pandemic virus! Then maybe they would believe your stupid Russia war hoax!


Nearly two out of five people polled in an annual Reuters study reported sometimes or often avoiding consuming news, according to the survey, which was conducted by the media behemoth across 46 countries earlier this year and published on Tuesday.

Fully 38% of respondents said they were avoiding news coverage of certain topics, such as in this case the Covid-19 pandemic, because coverage had become “repetitive” and “depressing,” a surge of 10 percentage points from the figures reported in 2017. Of those who confessed to avoiding the news, 43% complained there was too much coverage of politics and the pandemic, while 36% blamed the news for their poor mood and 29% lamented there was simply too much news to process.

News avoidance among British respondents has soared the most, with 46% claiming to shun the news “sometimes” or “often” – nearly twice as many as in 2016. The BBC suffered the worst drop among all public media brands covered in the report, losing 20 percentage points since 2018. Among the reasons cited by UK residents for distrusting their media was a concern that news organizations put their own commercial and political interests ahead of society’s. 

Nearly three in ten (29%) global respondents complained that the news they saw was untrustworthy or biased, while a significant portion said it led to arguments they would rather avoid. Another 16% simply found the news useless, reporting “there is nothing I can do with the information.”

You’re supposed to feel sadness and moral outrage, goy!

The worldwide outlook for the media’s reputation is grim, with just 42% of respondents saying they trusted journalists “most of the time.” The US leads the pack in the downward spiral, with just 26% of those polled reporting trust in the media, a three-point drop from last year.

The pandemic provided a brief boost in credibility for most countries, but aside from Finland, where 69% report trust in their media, that newfound faith was short-lived. Nearly half of the countries polled saw trust in news media fall last year, while only seven saw a rise.

Study author Nic Newman blamed the high degree of political turmoil for the general dissatisfaction with news coverage, highlighting the high rankings of Brazil, the UK and US  among the news avoiders. “Subjects that journalists consider most important, such as political crises, international conflicts and global pandemics, seem to be precisely the ones that are turning some people away,” he observed. 

Yeah, people might not want to hear about those topics, but they want to hear about:

  • How the election was stolen in 2020
  • How the US is responsible for the Ukraine conflict
  • How the coronavirus was a hoax and all they did was rename the flu

They don’t want to hear a bunch of moronic lies.

Meanwhile, we don’t have numbers yet for, but the last full month was online, it got 10 million visitors and more than 3 million unique visitors.

This is a site that is constantly getting kicked off of its own domain, and is banned from being shared on all social media, completely deranked from Google – and we’ve got incredibly stable readership.

So, I’m not bragging, I’m just saying – it’s the coverage that’s the problem. That’s what’s causing the collapse of the mainstream news media. No one wants this ultra-leftist spin. Well, someone wants it, of course. But it’s a small group of people that were already being served by Huffington Post, Salon, and other far-left blogs before the mainstream media took this slant.