Google Fires 50 People for Opposing Company Helping Jews Kill Palestinians

People pay a heavy price for standing up to these Jews.

You’d better believe they pay a heavy price.

However, the more people willing to pay that price, the closer we get to change.

The employees of Google should be staging solidarity walkouts over these firings.

The Guardian:

Google has been accused of throwing a “tantrum” after sacking more than 50 workers in response to a protest over the company’s military ties to the Israeli government – firings that have shone a light on a controversial project and long-simmering tensions between staff and management.

The workers were sacked following protests at Google offices in New York City and Sunnyvale, California, organized by No Tech for Apartheid – an alliance of Google and Amazon workers who have been protesting against a $1.2bn contract with the Israeli government called Project Nimbus that they claim will make it “easier for the Israeli government to surveil Palestinians and force them off their land”.

Initially, Google fired 28 workers over the protests and then fired more than 20 workers a few days later.

The firings are the largest to occur since Israel’s military campaign in response to the 7 October 2023 terrorist attack by Hamas in which about 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 hostages were taken. Since then, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including more than 14,000 children and 9,670 women.

Google has fired and reprimanded workers for participating in protests before, such as over a 2018 walkout and sit-in protest about sexual harassment issues at the company, but not previously to this extent. In March, Google fired a cloud engineer who protested against an Israel tech event in New York City.

Emaan Haseem, a software engineer at Google and organizer with No Tech for Apartheid, was one of the fired workers. “Many of us had just recently gotten promoted. I was the fastest promoted person underneath my manager,” she said.

This was a peaceful protest, she said, “with high visibility, high transparency, that we livestreamed. Everything and everybody could see how it went.”

Haseem said the sit-in protests were a response to Google’s refusal to engage with workers’ concerns.

Since the contract was awarded in 2021, workers at Google and Amazon have been organizing in opposition to the corporations’ joint contract with the Israeli military and government.

The $1.2bn contract to provide cloud services “allows for further surveillance of and unlawful data collection on Palestinians, and facilitates expansion of Israel’s illegal settlements on Palestinian land”, according to an op-ed workers wrote in 2021.

I’m sure these tech companies are making a lot of money with the Jews.

But if the workers actually united, and stood together against the Jews, Google would have to capitulate.

Presumably, the movement we are seeing on campuses right now is going to spread to various workers across the country, as every person with a conscience begins to stand in solidarity against these Jews.