Great Satan Now Blaming the Ukraine for Nord Stream Sabotage

Previously: Hersh Says America Blew the Pipes to Back Germany Into a Corner

The US has created an awkward situation for themselves. They decided to bomb Germany’s critical infrastructure to stick it to the patriarchy, and now everyone knows they did this. Of course, it was obvious, and I assume they knew it was going to come out definitively eventually that they were responsible, but it really doesn’t seem to have been all that well thought through.

Now that it is out there, following the Seymour Hersh report, they are just throwing stuff out into the public to muddle the narrative.


Western intelligence agencies almost immediately determined that last year’s Nord Stream blasts had been orchestrated by a person with ties to Ukraine, but chose to conceal this information in order to avoid a diplomatic row between Kiev and Berlin, The Times reported on Wednesday.

According to the outlet, a Scandinavian delegation learned a week after the September 2022 attack on the gas pipeline, which connects Russia and Germany under the Baltic Sea, that it was staged “by a private venture originating in Ukraine.” They reportedly received this information at an intelligence briefing in Brussels.

“The name of the suspected private sponsor [of the attack]… has been circulating in intelligence circles for months but not revealed,” the report said.

Without publishing any names, The Times identified the culprit as a Ukrainian not affiliated with the government in Kiev. It also alleged that the suspect “appears to have left a peculiar calling card,” without elaborating.

The delegation was also reportedly told to deflect any questions about why investigation of the matter was proceeding at such a slow pace.

The outlet suggested that NATO officials apparently wanted to “protect Ukraine from a public spat with Germany.” At the time of the incident, Berlin was reluctant to supply Kiev with Leopard 2 tanks without allied support. Germany changed its mind in January 2023, with several other Western nations joining in with proposed tank deliveries.

It’s logical that the Ukraine would want to do this, but it’s not possible that they would have the ability to do it and get away like they did.

No one could do this and just totally get away with it if the authorities were looking into it. The US is able to order the authorities in Scandinavia to not look into it, which is something the Ukraine could not possibly do.

Furthermore, the concept of the Ukraine as an independent entity is absurd. In March of 2022, Volognomorodog (NOT Vladimir) Zelensky said he wanted to negotiate peace with Russia, which included neutrality and surrendering the Donbass. The Americans came in and told him he wasn’t allowed to do this. This is a matter of the public record.

If Zelensky isn’t allowed to make a decision that basic, he’s certainly not allowed to go around bombing Germany.

There is no possible culprit for the pipe bombing except the United States. If they had used a proxy through the Ukraine, they still would have had to have arranged to stop investigations.

This is the single most reckless act that any government has ever done in the modern era. It is beyond the pale, to bomb these pipes like that and then do a poker face at the world. It’s a sign of the coming downfall of the Anal Empire. They believe they can act with total impunity, and this thinking has never worked out for anyone.