Greta Thunberg is Now 17 Years Old and Still Breastless!

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2020

Greta Thunberg is now 17 and full of joy.

She celebrated her birthday with her climate minions.

But her breasts were nowhere to be found.

As always though, she produced a good range of weird facial expressions.

Will 2020 be the year puberty finally hits her?

Daily Mail:

Teenage eco warrior Greta Thunberg stuck to routine on her 17th birthday and joined a weekly ‘Fridays for Future’ march outside the Swedish parliament.

She joined other climate activists outside the parliament in Riksdagen, in Stockholm on Friday, January 3, for the 72th consecutive week of the marches.

Thunberg tweeted a picture of herself at the march early this morning, wrapped up warm in the cold weather and holding her trademark sign reading in Swedish: ‘School strike for climate’.

It comes after the Swedish teenager gave a message to her fans on New Year’s Eve thanking them for their support. ‘What a year… I won’t even try to summarise it – but nothing would have been possible without your support. So thank you!’ she said.

The school strike for the climate marches were sparked by Thunberg when she staged her first protest in August 2018, at the age of 15.

It has since spread all over the world to involve more than 100,000 schoolchildren who take time off from class to participate in demonstrations to call for action on climate change.

Greta is currently on a gap year from her education and heads back to school in August.

Greta’s father has recently revealed how his daughter suffered with depression, but the teenager says her activism has been like a medicine.

She told Radio 4: ‘It really helps in getting out of that depression because it gives a feeling you are having an impact.’

Greta added: ‘Just being part of a movement that has so much impact on the world is an amazing feeling. I wish that more people could feel like that.’

In celebration of her birthday, I’ve compiled a selection of pictures showcasing her breastlessness.

Without further ado, here they are.

Greta Thunberg may have the smallest breasts of any 17-year-old woman on the entire planet, but she’s likely to have the biggest legacy.

Her war against people not driving Tesla cars is just getting started.

I’m sure that Greta will produce plenty of new facial expressions and funny news this year — and for that, I’m grateful.