Hungary: Kike Faggot US Ambassador, Other Diplomats Participate in Budapest Anal Pride

David Pressman, America’s Jew faggot ambassador to Hungary, participating in the anal parade. Please note he’s one of the few who decided against the nose job. (They basically all get the nose job.)

Russia sends in cops with bats when faggots try to march.

Faggots end up all bloody as they’re getting dragged off to jail.

I’m sure a lot of Hungarians would like to see that.

But they’re in the EU, so they have to do democracy (American Jew agitating for child anal on the streets).


Carrying rainbow flags and dancing through the streets, thousands of Hungarians celebrated the annual Budapest Pride parade on Saturday and vowed to keep protesting over the government’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban, in power since 2010, promotes a Christian-conservative agenda and in 2021 banned the “promotion of homosexuality” among under-18s despite strong criticism from rights groups and the European Union.

“It’s very important to be here … to show we exist and that we matter,” said 30-year-old Anna Reti, who took part in the march in the capital, adding that many LGBTQ+ Hungarians face discrimination and hostility in everyday life.

“For example, I went out in the street the other day with some rainbow accessories and people stared,” she said.

What would Ben Franklin think of diplomats who deliberately annoy and insult the people of the countries they’re stationed in?

Gay marriage is not recognised in Hungary and only heterosexual couples can legally adopt children. Orban’s government has redefined marriage as the union between one man and one woman in the constitution, and limited gay adoption.

His government has said the 2021 law is meant to protect children and does not target the LGBTQ+ community, but it has caused anxiety among gay, bisexual and transgender Hungarians.


Ahead of Saturday’s march, the embassies of the United States, Germany and 33 other countries urged Hungary to protect LGBTQ+ rights and scrap laws that discriminate against members of the community.

U.S. Ambassador David Pressman was one of several diplomats to join the Pride event.

“This is an amazing country with a rich history of people standing up and fighting for freedom,” he told reporters. “The people here who are marching today are doing so in the best traditions of the country.”

I would think this anal march would be reason enough to leave the EU for most normal people.

At this point, it wouldn’t even cost them very much money.

It might save them money.

Your move, Orban.

I know you’re fat, but you’re gonna have to move quickly this time.

The immigrants are coming and the kiddie fiddlers already walk amongst you.

Russia is there, reaching out the hand of friendship.

Video from an anal event at the US embassy in Budapest last year. All American embassies everywhere do these constantly.