I am the Machine Itself

I meant to write something important about something today, but I didn’t.

Instead, I worked on a rambling thing I will post tomorrow.

I write a lot. I want someone to take note of this, for the future. We’re approaching a NINE YEAR anniversary. I have written EVERY DAY for almost NINE YEARS.

I am the machine itself.

I think a lot of this stuff is really creative and good. Sometimes I wonder what the output would look like if I only published half as many words as I publish now. It would inevitably be significantly better, but would it be twice as better?

By my calculus: no.

But what if I took THREE MONTHS to write a 200 page book, that was heavily edited and thought through? Frankly, I think that would be worse than what I put out now. I can’t imagine agonizing over the language, as book writers do. My language is the language of the people.

I think this machine type of output, where I just pour it all out like a waterfall, as fast as I can type it, is the way it is supposed to be.

I am the voice of the people.

This is really just about ideas. I don’t like language. I don’t even read novels. I do actually, but only to go to sleep.

It’s not about the language. It’s about sending a message. The only word in my dictionary is “NIGGER.”

Sometimes I look back on these last nine years and think “mistakes were made – I shouldn’t have had a dictionary that only had the word “nigger” underlined in all caps.”

But then, I reflect, and realize that actually, no mistake was ever made beyond the usual mistakes that any human makes.

The edginess was a necessary decision. An executive decision, made by the Chief Executive.

I have realized that I serve God Alone, and Our God demands that we crush idols. When Charlemagne was taming the heathens, he did not use pleadings and prose – it was all blood and fire.

We are taming the heathens, with Christ as our witness. We will not worship the killers of Our Sweet Lord Jesus, nor will we worship backward, violent, primitive savages from Africa. We will not worship vaginas OR anuses. We will not live in fear of fake viruses. We will not pray and make supplication to Jew neo-Nazi torturer post-tapers.

We will worship GOD.

We will kneel before no idol.

We will destroy all of the idols.

Many have judged me. But only one judgement matters, and that is the one that comes after my death.

And my death is coming. So too is yours.

You should think about how you spend your time. Every second that passes, you are one second closer to standing at the Throne of Heaven and explaining yourself to the Lord of Hosts.

Imagine that this accounting of your life will take as long as your life. You will have to explain all of it, and you will be judged.

Don’t listen to the false preachers. Yes, the Blood of the Lamb can wash away any sin. But only if you deserve it.

I tell you always: every day, you should remind yourself that death is very near.

The rosary prayer states “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death.”

Why is this included in the most prominent prayer of our ancient faith?

Mother Mary is already praying for we sinners. That’s literally all she does.

This line of the prayer is to remind you that you need those prayers, because the hour of your death is nearer now than it was when you started reading this sentence.

God doesn’t need your prayers. You need his answers. You need his mercy, for your mother was the disrespectful whore Eve.

Every prayer is for people, not God.

You will sin. The flesh is weak. But the long arc of your life must bend toward service of the Lord, in whatever capacity you have.

Thomas Jefferson, giving a backhand to the Jews, said: “Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people.”

Remember that.

A famous sign at a famous Polish vacation resort said: “work will make you free.”

So true.

Remember the seven deadly sins:

  • Pride
  • Envy
  • Wrath
  • Gluttony
  • Lust
  • Sloth
  • Greed

This list reads like the definition of “liberal democracy” for a reason. (The reason is that our society is run by the literal murderers of Jesus Christ. Like, they literally tortured and killed the incarnation of God, and now they control every aspect of our society.)

Be not of this world.

Fight it, for you are not of it.

Judgement Day is coming soon.

Stay tuned.