“I Don’t Think Science Knows, Actually” is the Quote of the Century

President Trump has again committed blasphemy against the official religion of the godless.


With the smell of California wildfires in the air, President Donald Trump on Monday ignored the scientific consensus that climate change is playing a central role in historic West Coast infernos and renewed his unfounded claim that failure to rake forest floors and clear dead timber is mostly to blame.

The fires are threatening to become another front in Trump’s reelection bid, which is already facing hurdles because of the coronavirus pandemic, joblessness and social unrest. His Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, in his own speech Monday said the destruction and mounting death toll across California, Oregon and Washington require stronger presidential leadership and labeled Trump a “climate arsonist.”

Trump traveled to Northern California to be briefed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state and federal officials. At one point, state Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot urged the president to “recognize the changing climate and what it means to our forests.”

“If we ignore that science and sort of put our head in the sand and think it’s all about vegetation management, we’re not going to succeed together protecting Californians,” Crowfoot added.

Trump responded, “It will start getting cooler, just you watch.”

Crowfoot politely pushed back that he wished the science agreed with the president. Trump countered, “I don’t think science knows, actually.”

That striking moment came on a day of dueling campaign events, with Trump and Biden dramatically contrasting their outlooks on climate change — and the impact it has had on the record-setting fires ravaging the West Coast.

Trump’s suggestion that the planet is going to start to unexpectedly cool is at odds with reality, experts say.

“Maybe there is a parallel universe where a pot on the stove with the burner turned to high ‘starts getting cooler.’ But that is not our universe,” said Stanford University climate scientist Chris Field.

Biden lashed at Trump, saying the moment requires “leadership, not scapegoating” and that “it’s clear we are not safe in Donald Trump’s America.”

The Associated Press sure has gotten bizarrely political with this charged language and weasel wording, haven’t they?

They held out on doing that long after the New York Times started doing it, but now they’ve just gone ape.

The context of Trump saying “I don’t think science knows” is actually one where most scientists would agree. This idea that the wildfires are somehow related to global warming is not a consensus among anyone.

But the statement, “I don’t think science knows, actually,” can be applied to everything.

These sickening people keep making the claim that everything is scientific, and claim that “SCIENCE!” is a living entity that agrees with their politics.

This is a cult:

  • “Science says race doesn’t exist.”
  • “Science says there are no genders.”
  • “Science says we have 12 years and the world is going to burn up.”
  • “Science says women are as capable as men.”
  • “Science says coronavirus is more deadly than the flu.”
  • “Science says bacteria created itself, then turned into fish, then into lizards, then into monkeys, and then into people.”

The answer to all that is always: “I don’t think science knows, actually.”

Because science is not an entity, it is a methodology, and it is impossible for a methodology to ever know anything.

Anyone talking about “what science says” is in a cult.