Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2020

Dana Schwartz is a 27-year-old Jew who is working on Marvel’s She-Hulk Disney+ miniseries. She recently instigated a massive storm of hatred on Twitter after attacking South Park for being ironic and nihilistic, claiming that it birthed a generation of trolls.
In retrospect, it seems impossible to overstate the cultural damage done by SOUTH PARK, the show that portrayed earnestness as the only sin and taught that mockery is the ultimate inoculation against all criticism
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
Smugness is not the same as intelligence; provocation isn’t the same as bravery. The lesser of two evils aren’t the same.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
It seems lie South Park has been trying to reckon with this—I admit I haven’t been watching the show in recent seasons, but I’m fascinated to see this:
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
To be clear, I don’t blame the show itself as much as I do the generation of boys who internalized it into their personalities. Which maybe isn’t the show’s fault!
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
some very normal well-adjusted south park fans!
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 14, 2020
My point was that South Park seemed to teach that it was always cooler to be reactionary and contrarian, and anyone who criticizes anything is “offended” and that’s the *real* problem. Wonder if that’s the message these fans absorbed….
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 14, 2020
People saying “they make fun of everyone!!!” — that is my point. South Park IS a political show, but one whose message is: both sides are equally terrible so the only correct thing to do is nothing, while mocking it all from your position of intellectual superiority.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 14, 2020
If you are offended by this tweet I’m sorry you’re so easily triggered!!!!!!!!
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
Of course, she attacked “white guys” (even whilst Matt Stone is the same race as her) and “privilege.”
Matt and Trey are rich white guys and they convinced a generation of scared, vulnerable young men that irony will never hurt them.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
Not taking anything too seriously is a privilege of people who have never faced systemic discrimination. Ironically, dismissing genuine issues as “people being offended” is pretty cowardly.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
Obviously, anyone can pick all that apart, point out that South Park didn’t actually create anything but rather embodied a cultural phenomenon. But whatever, that’s all obvious and boring. What interested me about this situation is that Schwartz posted images of emails from people calling her a kike without feigning outrage, talking about the Holocaust or demanding that people be silenced.
Primarily, she just kept accusing people of being “triggered.”
Wow triggered much!!!????
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
If you are offended by this tweet I’m sorry you’re so easily triggered!!!!!!!!
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
My point was that South Park seemed to teach that it was always cooler to be reactionary and contrarian, and anyone who criticizes anything is “offended” and that’s the *real* problem. Wonder if that’s the message these fans absorbed….
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 14, 2020
She actually didn’t even use the word “anti-Semitism,” but instead talked about “racial slurs.”
I can see a major difference between criticizing my opinion and emailing me with racial slurs to tell me I should die, and it concerns me if you can’t.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 14, 2020
Perhaps more impressively, she specifically said she’s not trying to ban anything and made Jack Posobiec look dumb for claiming she’s trying to get a show that’s been on the air for 23 years canceled by posting “thoughts of the day” amateur sociology.
why says I’m trying to ban anything?
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
Who is trying to cancel South Park, Jack?
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
Criticism isn’t the same thing as censorship
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
But the very best part was when she said that an anti-Nazi guy trying to hit on her was worse than the Nazis.
Trolls are bad, but this might be worse?
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 16, 2020
These are the kinds of interactions we should be having with the Jews. Simply back and forth discussions. They can state their points without crying about the Holocaust and demanding that everyone who disagrees with them be silenced.
Many Jews will then say “I’m leaving Twitter because they refuse to deal with this horrible anti-Semitism that led to my six million ancestors being turned into soap by Adolf Hitler.” Like that New York Times kike back in 2016, before the brutality of the censorship machine really turned on. Because the Jew media are the main advocates for censorship of viewpoints outside of that of their publications.
If Jews believed that what they are forcing on the goyim is good for the goyim, there would be no need for censorship, and this whole situation could just be discussed frankly. Schoolyard name-calling would not result in apoplectic claims of impending genocide.
Of course, for every Jew who responds to people calling them a kike with “lol screw you guys, triggered much snowflake?” there are 10,000 Jews who will respond to any criticism with aggressive demands for censorship of anyone who disagrees with their agenda.
It really is a novelty to see a Jew not going apeshit after being called a kike.
Although I would suspect that this primarily has to do with her being a woman who loves the attention. These initial tweets started on February 13th, and after they went viral, she’s still milking it a week later.
But she’s still not moaning about the Holocaust or demanding censorship, or taking some super-serious tone of any sort!
She’s just saying “COME ON GUISE!!!!”
I tweeted a pretty mild opinion about a tv show on my own personal twitter account like a week ago, and I’ve been getting multiple death threats every day since. Like, lol. Is there something that women are ALLOWED to have an opinion on?
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 19, 2020
Like, guys, I cannot tell you how crazy it’s been. CRAZY, almost constant emails. Full, like 15 minute videos on youtube about how ugly I am. Articles about me “TRYING TO GET [TV SHOW] CANCELLED!!!!!!” Nope, wasn’t trying to cancel anything, just tweeted a thought about it! Wild!
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 19, 2020
I am a professional entertainment journalist, author of multiple books, writer for TV and comic books. And apparently, I can’t use my own personal twitter to share a THOUGHT about a tv show without dozens of people emailing me that I’m a k*ke who needs to be raped and murdered
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 19, 2020
I guess finding a new target for trolling makes them feel united? Gives them some meaning to their day?
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 19, 2020
But, I ask you, who is the “triggered” one:
-the one who tweeted a personal thought on a topic,
-the ones who then went back years back through someone’s instagram to find unflattering pictures to make fully edited videos about how she’s ruining their lives?
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 19, 2020
Maybe the best distillation of the point was made by David Foster Wallace, all the way back in 1993. Wonder what names the trolls would call him.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 19, 2020
So, I salute her for this.
Whatever her reasons may be, it is refreshingly mature, given the standard babylike behavior of these Jews.
Nerdrotic was discussing this the other day, and went through a lot of her old tweets about how she hates white men and so on. And he would say “I support her right to say this.” But never did he point out the unique nature of her interactions, which is that she herself is not calling for censorship or accusing her critics of planning a genocide, which I believe is by far the most interesting thing about the situation.
The specific things she is saying might as well be a recording. This is the same thing that all Jews say. But she proves that it is possible for a Jew to say these things and still behave like a normal person when people don’t like what she is saying.
I truly wish that more Jews would be willing to simply engage the goyim as if they are human beings instead of slaves that can simply be silenced and removed from society if they offend their “chosen one” masters.
We need a new sincerity movement amongst Jew millennials who are willing to act like normal people!