Imperial Ape’s Military Campaign Against Islamic State Proving Ineffective as Syrian Rebel Groups Turn Against It

Daily Slave
October 12, 2014

Obama poses with a statue of one of his close relatives.

The imperial ape Barack Obama and his entire regime of Jewish advisers and assorted fools are completely detached from reality.  This ridiculous bombing campaign against the Islamic State has proven to be ineffective, and is said to be counterproductive even by Syrian rebels who are supposedly allied with the West in some capacity.

Washington Post:

The U.S.-led air war in Syria has gotten off to a rocky start, with even the Syrian rebel groups closest to the United States turning against it, U.S. ally Turkey refusing to contribute and the plight of a beleaguered Kurdish town exposing the limitations of the strategy.

U.S. officials caution that the strikes are just the beginning of a broader strategy that could take years to carry out. But the anger that the attacks have stirred risks undermining the effort, analysts and rebels say.

All these campaigns are doing is turning local populations against the West.  Some of the air strikes have already killed women and children.  Obviously, this is not a good strategy to win over the people.

Meanwhile, Western nations continue an open border policy of allowing Muslims from the same nations we are occupying or bombing to walk right in.  It should be painfully obvious to anyone with any bit of common sense that this policy is insanely stupid.  You are increasing the possibility of a terrorist event in Western countries by allowing Muslims into your nation while simultaneously bombing regions with Muslim populations.  The best course of action would be to not bomb these Muslim populated areas and close the borders.

Why is this such a difficult concept for these people to understand?  Oh that’s right, this would be “racist” which once again is the worst thing in the world that anyone can be.  Clearly these people think that getting blown up by a Muslim suicide bomber or having thousands of people infected with Ebola is preferable to being labeled a “racist.”