In Likely Police Entrapment Hoax, ISIS Women Plead Guilty to Bomb Plot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2019

Yeah, maybe they were going to do terrorism. Or maybe the FBI entrapped them.

No one knows who is Jewing who anymore.

But I am pretty sure “studying bombs” is only illegal if you tell a police informant you are planning a bombing.

Fox News:

Two New York women pleaded guilty on Friday to charges they studied how to make bombs for a terrorist attack on U.S. soil., federal prosecutors said.

Asia Siddiqui, 35, and Noelle Velentzas, 31, were “inspired by radical Islam” and taught each other chemistry and electrical skills necessary to build explosives and detonating devices, Assistant U.S. Attorney John Demers said in a statement. The women also researched how to make plastic explosives and car bombs to carry out attacks similar to the Boston Marathon and Oklahoma City bombings, as well as the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, authorities said.

Siddiqui and Velentzas pleaded guilty in Brooklyn federal court to one count of teaching and distributing information pertaining to the making and use of an explosive, destructive device, and weapon of mass destruction, intending that it be used to commit a federal crime of violence. The women each face up to 20 years in prison, but the term could be shorter under sentencing guidelines and with credit for the more than four years they’ve already been behind bars awaiting trial. They are due to be sentenced in December.

“Velentzas and Siddiqui were intent on waging violent jihad here in the United States, researching at length historical terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, educating themselves on how to turn propane tanks into explosive devices, and dreaming up plans to kill Americans on our own turf,” FBI Assistant-Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said in a statement.

The pair were arrested in 2015 as part of a sting operation in which a New York Police Department officer working undercover wore a wire and posed as a convert to Islam. The pleas ended the prospect that the women’s trial would provide a rare glimpse into how the NYPD uses informants and undercovers to smoke out Islamic extremists – a method long criticized by civil rights groups who say it risks luring harmless people into phony plots. Police officials had expressed concern that the officer’s cover could have been blown if she had to testify.

The NYPD program was organized and run by feds.

This whole fake plot thing has gotten so out of control that it is now an issue of the mainstream discussion around these events, with the cops always saying “oh yeah but we didn’t do that this time.”

I hate Moslems more than Dan Crenshaw, but at this point, I’m ready to give pretty much anyone accused by the feds of “plotting” anything a pass, because so much of this has been confirmed to be a hoax.

Anyway, inviting Moslems to come live in your country and not kill you is childish and absurd. The only reason you would invite Moslems into your country is if you wanted them to commit terrorism and other crimes against you.

Moslems should just be given immunity and deported.