Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2014

It’s Independence Day, Brothers!
Hopefully you’re reading this from a phone on a blanket somewhere getting ready to watch some sparkling things in the sky! With Cheeseburgers on the charcoal grill! And hopefully you’re not too close to a black neighborhood, because as soon as those firecrackers start going off, they will begin firing guns into the air! And those bullets have to come down somewhere!
God Bless America, God Bless Our Victory!
God Bless the Fire in our Hearts!

And to all of my brothers across Europe and the Diaspora:
Remember that greater men than you shall ever meet died for you! So that you could carry on in their place! To continue to push the Aryan race into further greatness!
We are the greatest! No one could possibly compare to us in any measurable way!
The only thing the blacks did was run really fast, and they learned that because of cannibalism! All the Asians did was meditate and think of strange word problems, built a brick house! All the Arabs did was fight and kill each other and chant for long periods! All the Red Indians did was talk to trees and animal spirits in between slaughtering each other!

We built civilization, brothers! We invented philosophy! We defined beauty! We built monuments to our gods and our God, in the name of our ancestors, to leave for future generations! We created the concept of aesthetics! Our women have a divine beauty which no living creature can ever hope to compare itself to!
We are the White Aryan man and the depth of our greatness could never be calculated, even by quantum computers! It is boundless and infinite!

This is your heritage, White man – look around you, everything you see, it belongs to you, and to me, and to our ancestors and to those yet to come!
Do not ever bow! Do not ever hold your head down! Walk with pride, White man, for a million generations of glory and greatness are flowing through you veins! The Divine Blood of Atlantis, the Blood of Gods, it is inside you!
No stinking Jew or mongrel horde can take that from you! If they spill it onto the ground, it returns to the earth, to the clay from which our bodies were formed in that sacred place so long ago!

May the Aryan Race live forever!
May our enemies flee before us!
May the Earth shake under our feet as we march to Absolute Victory, as the embodiment of the Divine Light of Life Triumphing over Darkness and Death!
May the Heavens open up and Sky Break through, may we carry the Torch of Truth and Justice into the forever unfurling Universe!
May we conquer the Earth, and make ourselves once again the Masters of Human Destiny!
Soon, Our Leader shall rise, for we have called for him, and the God of our ancestors has heard that call!
When he rises, he will bring with him Hell and brutal vengeance! Every man will see him and every man will know him! And he will know us!
Hail Our Divine Ancestors!
Hail the Noble Generations Yet to Come!
Hail the Aryan Man!
Hail Victory!

One Year In
It has been a glorious year indeed, and I am humbled, forever, by the success of this website.
For this website is not Andrew Anglin – it is all of us, together, working toward our victory, as we rally our brothers to the cause, as we become one mind, with one goal – liberation of our people from the chains which have bound us!
I thank you all, from the heart in my chest which pumps the same blood as the one in your chest, brothers! Pumps the blood of our shared ancestors, those who were called gods when they rose from the the Earth! It is warrior’s blood, it is philosopher’s blood, it is the blood of Creation itself!
No one can stop us, no one can even question us!
They have tried, and they have failed, and failed again! The people are with us now! We have awakened that ancient spirit, that one which crushed the hordes at Vienna, which spread and defeated all which dared stand against it!
The revolution has begun! The idea is here, and it is as wildfire! If I die today, it will mean nothing, for the seed has been planted, and I know in my blood and in my bones that you, my brothers, will fight on until Ultimate and Unequivocal Victory over all evil!

In this year we have reached millions of people with the pure and unadulterated truth! In the year which is to come, we shall increase our reach ten fold!
Though I take no credit for myself – this goes only to God – it is only here that a White man can get the truth as it is, without the nonsense. And the truth, in itself, has a transcendental power which no man can stand against for long.
We are now influencing the mainstream narrative, and have largely conquered the alternative narrative. The old “conspiracy patriot” movement is either joining up with our nationalist, racialist, anti-Jew agenda, or simply dropping out. This Illuminati mystery nonsense is deader than disco. Jones himself is climbing on-board the mainstream Jew-boat, endorsing mainstream Republicans and pushing Jew-loving traitors like Rand Paul.
The light of truth is shinning on the internet, and the rats are scurrying like cockroaches.
There is now the mainstream delusion, and the hardcore Nationalist movement. Everything else is dead or dying.
And this train does not stop until Total Victory.
Changing Gears
A bit of straight talk is in order, here on this great and historic day.
It has now come to pass that the number of emails I receive is completely unmanageable. If I were to both read and respond to every email I receive, I would not only lack the time to work on the site at all, but would in fact not have time to sleep.

I wish, very much, that I could read and reply to all of them that I receive, but it is beyond my human capacity.
As such, I want to apologize to all of those who send emails and do not get a response. I spend one to two hours a day on email, and this is only enough to deal with a percentage of what I receive.
I am very interested in publishing the material of others, so mark any emails like that in ALL CAPS.
And don’t hesitate to resend it.
I might see if Sven or one of our other comrades is interested in putting up their own email, so as we can share the wealth of letters.
Expansion of the Bases
Excellently, though one writer quit over a religious difference, we now have new writers. Along with Sven, who is my right-hand man, we now have Marcus Cicero writing regular articles, as well as the author of the Daily Slave cross-posting his stuff here.

I am very interested in having more writers involved, as we are trying to move out of the model of reposting mainstream news to only posting original material (often with excerpts from mainstream sources – you know the drill). If there are any bloggers or authors of another sort who would like to be involved in this, please let me know.
Harsh Realities
I have poured myself into this site, completely, for a year now. Non-stop. It is two full time jobs. I have largely used up my personal savings, just to have the time to spend on this.
Regrettably, I have reached the point where there is going to have to be some type of compromise, or I am going to have to figure out something better. I am eternally thankful to those who give donations, but this is unsteady. Sometimes there is money and sometimes there isn’t.
Ideally, monthly donations, even small ones, from maybe 5% of the daily readers should sustain me, but it seems that only less than one percent of daily readers are willing/able to donate.
And the hosting bills keep going up, since I’ve got to pay for this free speech host or get shut down (they know how much more they can charge you for that).
So, it seems I am going to either have to sell something, or put up advertising. The former is more appealing than the latter, but I am not really a businessman. My expertise is in other more important areas.
So, I would like to hear people’s thoughts on this. I could go work teaching for a few hours a week, or reconstruct an internet business, and still keep the site running smooth, but I don’t view this as a very good option, as I want all of my intellectual energy to be focused here, where it matters most. The site is my priority, above all else.
I am a very simple man, and tend to live a very simple life. It is basically too expensive for me to live in the US, but staying in hostels in bad economy European countries has been keeping it on the cheap.
So, donate if you can, and I’ll do my best to figure out a way to keep from having to divert any of my energy elsewhere.
Here is a button:
You can also send cash or a check to this address:
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio
Then up at the top right you’ve the option for making a recurring monthly donation.
Banner Contest
Though it would have been nice to have a new banner for the anniversary, I’ve decided to let the banner contest run on for a bit, so as to make sure everyone gets a chance to submit what they wish to submit.
Many, many good submissions so far.
A few people have asked about dimensions – they should be the same as those of the present banner.
I also wanted to clear up what was apparently a misunderstanding – the main reason for changing the banner is not that British people were offended because the present banner features a picture of them being bombed. That was just an aside that I mentioned in the post. The main reason is that most people who would be prone to associating as pro-White are not yet up on all of the revisionist history, and still view the NSDAP as having been the bad guys. There is a learning curve there, and we are continuing to publish pro-NSDAP material, at least several times a week, some of it very good for beginners.
After having discussed it with many people whom I respect, I have made the decision that it is better to not announce it so harshly right when a person first visits the site.
Though one of the purposes of this site is to provide a community atmosphere for people who are already in the know to gather and to discuss the daily happenings, to keep informed and so on. However, the main purpose of this site – which I shall not apologize for – has always been to bring in as many new people as possible. I have absolutely no interest in running a cult-like operation where people who already understand reality sit around and argue with each other about minute details.
This site has an agenda, and that agenda is to inform millions of people about the nature of our situation. I have made the executive decision that having open National Socialist symbolism on the banner of the site does not directly serve this purpose, and may work against it. So I have decided to change the banner to something which someone who is, say, a sort of working class American or Brit who hates immigrants and faggots and all the rest of this crap, but is not yet informed about the truth history of the Third Reich, can come here and feel comfortable. Then, once here, they can notice the pro-Hitler material, and start to learn in an environment that they have become sympathetic to.
Hopefully that clears up the confusion there. I suppose I shouldn’t have mentioned the aside re: British complaints, as I would be doing this with or without those complaints, because I have an agenda, and the best manner of forwarding this agenda needs occasional refinement.
The Revolution Will Not End
We cannot be stopped. Your mission is to spread the good news. Show this site to people on forums, on Facebook, on Twitter. Show it to your friends and family, perhaps after discussing some of the issues with them.
We are to the point where things are so insane, particularly with the invasion and the faggotism, that a huge portion of the White population is very ready for our message. Your job is to deliver it to them. And it should be like delivering a check for a billion dollars. Because when you understand the world from this view, everything becomes clear.
We have nowhere to go but up. There is nothing that can stop us.
You are the revolution, brothers.
Be strong. Be proud. And don’t ever let anything stand in the way of what you know is right and true and just.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
July 4, 2014