International Crackdown on Thin, Attractive White High School Girls for Taking a Photo with a Confederate Flag T-Shirt

Short of materials about Eastern Europe or historical texts, you’re rarely going to see the words “thin, attractive white girls” strung together.

But here you have a group of them – of course, being persecuted for the very fact that they are thin, attractive white girls.

These high school girls took a photograph with a t-shirt featuring a symbol that up until a few months ago was still considered normal, and for that they have an entire INTERNATIONAL media machine trying to destroy them.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

A petition is calling for the removal of several members of an Alabama high school cheer team after a photo appeared on Instagram showing them posing with a T-shirt that depicted the Confederate battle flag and the phrase “I love redneck boys.”

Reagan Coleman, one of only two Black cheerleaders on the Daphne High School squad, quit after the first practice because she said coaches and teammates refused to address the matter which had been brewing among them for two weeks, according to WKRG News 5 in Mobile.

“No matter how much I love something, no matter how passionate I am about something, I love myself more and I respect myself more, and I could not be on that team,” Reagan told the station.


An uppity black bitch making a problem.

Who would have thought?

She’s even got big mama on the interviews with her.

She looks like maybe she’s upset about something else.

Maybe she’s jealous of something – do you think that’s possible, maybe?

Yeah, I hate to say it, but I’m thinking that maybe some sort of jealousy could be in play here.

Maybe they should… go back to Africa?

Her mother, Latitiah Coleman, said she immediately contacted school administrators about the image, which shows six white coeds posing shoulder to shoulder with the Confederate T-shirt held in the middle of them. The girl at the front of the line is also holding an American flag.

I went from the coach to the principal, from the principal to the superintendent. And I kept getting vague answers. It was almost like everybody was reading a script,” Latitiah told WKRG, which first reported about the controversy a week ago.

Baldwin County Public Schools has since issued a statement acknowledging the matter.

“We are aware of the situation and it has been handled at the local school level. As with any student issue, federal law prohibits us from discussing disciplinary actions, if any, involving our students. Our system has implemented sensitivity programs and Superintendent Tyler has stressed that we have a zero tolerance for racism and bullying in our system.”

Reagan said the photo was just the latest in a series of racist incidents that have surfaced on the team.

She told WKRG about a video that recently appeared on Instagram allegedly showing a Daphne cheerleader dropping the N-word during basketball season, and about another cheerleader calling a classmate the N-word in a Snapchat message.

Yes, and we all know what that was – they were saying “nigga,” which has become a massive part of our culture, due to our KINDNESS in letting black people be a part of it.

We listen to their music, wherein they say “nigga” every other word, and it slips into our language.

The sickening media ABSOLUTELY and POINT BLANK refuses to acknowledge that there is a difference between jokingly saying “nigga,” which we actually say as a salute to black culture and their music that we listen to, and saying “nigger,” which the blacks find so offensive and is usually used as a mean-spirited slur.

They WILL NOT address that and they CONSTANTLY say that people “said the n-word” when they were just jokingly saying “nigga” in a fun and not mean-spirited way.

If you’re a teenager who spends all day listening to pop music, you hear this word literally hundreds of times every day, used in a fun, causal way.

But I’ll tell you, with the way they’re acting these days, a whole lot more people are starting to drop the “hard r” when speaking of the African peoples.

I think I’m gonna say it soon myself.

Many people are ready to say it.

Many just cannot take it anymore.

In the latest episode, she told WKRG the school district didn’t do enough, saying none of the girls involved apologized or lost their spots on the team.

I feel like we’re at a time where Black voices are being heard. We’re being felt; we’re being seen. So I knew this couldn’t go unheard about. I knew I needed to share this story not for me or how I felt about the picture, but because of the other Black children that may be silenced by white administrations like these,” she said.

The student who first posted the image to Instagram reportedly removed it in a matter of hours after a flurry of negative reactions, the station reported.

The petition to remove the girls from the team has gained nearly 1,000 signatures so far.

Yeah, you’re being heard, felt and seen alright. Being heard and felt and seen trying to destroy your classmates’ lives out of angry, mean, bitterness because they’re prettier than you is what it looks like.

And a whole lot of white people are not really liking what they’re hearing, feeling and seeing.

Many, many whites simply cannot take it anymore.

It makes many people want to say the n-word.

I’m just going to be honest with you: I feel like saying it right now.

This is just such an obvious witch hunt by the media, to make an example of these girls, to tell every other fashionable young girl: “think what we tell you to think and do what we tell you to do, or we will destroy you.”

It’s not just the AJC reporting on this, mind you. It’s not even just the national American media. This is an international news story.

Now, if that doesn’t make someone feel like saying the n-word, I don’t know what will.

I almost wonder if the people who run the media aren’t just as mad about the slogan on the shirt – “I heart redneck boys” – as they are about the flag. The media doesn’t want young, fertile white girls loving redneck boys. They have another plan for them.

Basically, these blacks are not going to let up.

They are going nuts and they will not stop.

A gigantic mega-mania has been made out of a symbol that was on the flag of the neighboring state Mississippi up until six weeks ago.

Literally, this symbol was flying over every government building until June 30, 2020.

Now, apparently, they do not have a flag in Mississippi.

Mobile, Alabama, where these girls live, is ten miles from the border of Mississippi.

So, a symbol that was just weeks ago the main symbol of the government just a few miles away is such an extreme hate symbol that teenagers have to have their lives destroyed for taking a joke social media picture with a t-shirt that featured the symbol?

This is beyond insanity. Vladimir Lenin himself would call you a lunatic for attempting a thought-control program on this scale.

Is it any wonder so many whites these days are on the verge of saying the n-word?

And so many conservatives will still say, “oh, well, because of our principles, it’s okay if the international media hunts down and destroys the lives of high school girls in a massive Marxist witch hunt, because it’s only bad if the government does that, for some reason or no reason or whatever.”

Do you think that these girls care that the government isn’t the one hunting them, as they have the force of the entire establishment coming down on their heads? Saying that this kind of thought-control and behavior-modification program is okay as long as the government doesn’t do it is like saying murder is okay if the government doesn’t do it. Allowing a megalithic complex to destroy your life for your speech is no different than taking away your speech. The government exists to protect people’s rights. Otherwise, why is murder against the law? Why does the government protect you from being murdered?

Understand this: the bitch does want their lives destroyed. This is what this is all about. Look at this thing she wrote. She’s saying she wants this to haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Man, I’ll tell you – reading that, there is one single word that comes to my mind, and I feel like I might be about to say it. Just try to imagine that level of entitlement. No matter how hard you try, you won’t ever be able to imagine it. Black entitlement is literally as vast as the cosmos.

The picture has already been deleted. It was long deleted when she wrote that. This ashy bitch is on a crusade calling for them all to be kicked off the cheerleading team, which would be absolutely devastating to teenage girls. Trust me, I have a lot of experience with high school girls, and I can tell you: for the thin pretty girls, cheerleading is the single thing they care most about. I can also tell you that that picture is of the six prettiest girls on the cheerleading team, and I can tell you that totally aside from race, uglier girls are absolutely nasty when they’re jealous about the prettiest girls on the squad.

This is a straight-up hit on these bitches, and I’m sitting here thinking about this Gorilla Grodd-looking bitch staging this in order to take revenge on pretty girls and I’ll tell you what, I almost feel like saying the n-word.

The girls being so much prettier is a racial issue. Sorry, but you’re just not going to find any black on this planet that stands up to a thin, healthy white girl in terms of physical attractiveness. It’s not going to happen. So basically, this is an anti-white attack, trying to ruin the lives of teenage girls.

If it was just one uppity black girl’s personal crusade, okay, fine – but the entire media is reporting on this! The international media!

There has been a call put out to the blacks: “Just go nuts! Do anything you want! You can literally just do anything! Make any demand – it doesn’t matter how nutty it sounds, these whites will do it! Even if it is obviously totally personal on your part, it makes NO DIFFERENCE!”

It’s really hard to see how any of these differences can possibly be reconciled at this point. The blacks are just too out of control. How can it ever go back to “normal”?

I see no path to that.

But there is a great solution that I think will suit all parties – and I can give it to you in the form of a cheer.