Iowa: Joke Police Bring Down Teacher Who Joked About Assassinating Greta Thunberg

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 7, 2019

People really and truly hate this little retard.

She really inspires a kind of visceral revulsion, as all retards do. But this is the first time in history the media and the global government complex have come together to tell the world that they must obey the irate and hysterical whims of a disgusting little retard.

New York Post:

An Iowa high school teacher was placed on administrative leave for writing “Dont have my sniper rifle” on Facebook in response to a news story about Greta Thunberg’s visit to his area, a report said.

Matt Baish — a science teacher at Waterloo West High School — made the since-deleted comment on a post about an event with the 16-year-old climate change activist that included the caption, “Who’s all going ?” according to The Des Moines Register.

Thunberg, who has risen to global fame for her climate change activism, joined more than 3,000 demonstrators at a Friday afternoon climate strike in Iowa City, the paper said.

It’s unclear if Baish was joking about showing up armed to the rally, but a day after making the remarks he was placed on leave.

Is it really unclear?

I feel like there was a time when this would be understood as a joke. Though probably in the time when this would be understood as a joke, no one would be making a joke about assassinating a teenage retarded girl in the first place.

Things are getting crazier out there.