Iraqis Rioting Against the Corruption of Their American-Created “Human Rights Freedom Democracy” Government

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2019

I don’t know if you know this, but the United States of America invaded Iraq in order to bring them freedom and democracy, largely on the advice of the Jewish New York Times.

As it turns out, human rights democracy is the worst possible system of government on earth, due to the fact that it is so cartoonishly corrupt and the fact that you have no freedoms at all under this system.

People really hate it.

The death toll is over 40 now. But the NYT keeps saying 22.

New York Times:

The Iraqi government scrambled on Thursday to curb a third day of violent antigovernment protests, as people took to the streets in the capital and in a half dozen southern provinces, some throwing rocks at security forces who responded with bullets.

At least 22 people were killed and hundreds were wounded, with the most violent unrest in Nasiriya, in Iraq’s south, and in Baghdad, according to the country’s Health Ministry.

The outburst of public anger, largely over corruption and unemployment, was the first since the current government came to power about a year ago, with the protests more widespread than those in 2018 in Baghdad and Basra.

At times on Thursday it seemed Iraq was slipping into chaos, but after midnight Baghdad calmed as did several of the tenser provinces. Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi spoke directly to the country, promising employment opportunities and better distribution of wealth.

He said the government had started “big reforms to provide jobs and to end poverty.”

He did not specify how he intended to carry out such changes or offer any particulars, but he underlined that in order for the government to deliver on those promises the country had to avoid “sliding into a state of destruction” in which citizens were intent on “destroying.”

Whether his tone, which seemed to strive to be conciliatory while also calling for restraint, would persuade protesters, their leaders and the political opposition seemed far from assured.

He gave his speech close to dawn on Friday, when many people would have been asleep.

The last few days have showed a government caught by surprise at the depth of anger among ordinary citizens about corruption among government officials and the failure of public services to meet their needs.

Some leaders, such as the Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose words can calm or inflame tens of thousands of people, have alternated between conciliation and criticism of the government’s decision to cut off the internet to try to silence the voices of protest organizers.

In an effort to prove his seriousness, Mr. Mahdi invited representatives of several political factions, including opposition parties, to meet with him and discuss how to be reduce tensions.

Yes, this is all to be expected.

Just the great struggles of freedoms and human rights democracy. Your internet has to be shut down to protect your freedom to vote.

Funny how there are never any of these riots in authoritarian countries, unless they’re instigated and funded by the US. It’s probably because authoritarian countries don’t run on corruption, oppression and abuse the way that human rights freedom democracies do.

Still, having no freedom, being abused, being oppressed, being shot by the cops, and so on and so forth, is a small price to pay for democracy, which is the greatest system ever on earth.

Just ask the New York Times.