Is This Racist? New York Times is Racist, Can I Get a Fact Check on That?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2019

I’m shocked to see something like this in the New York Times:

I mean, it seems pretty racist.

New York Times:

Two murder suspects who escaped from a California jail on Sunday were captured late Tuesday night while trying to cross the southern border back into the United States, according to United States Customs and Border Protection.

The escapees, Santos Samuel Fonseca, 21, and Jonathan Salazar, 20, were arrested trying to re-enter the country near Tijuana, Mexico, Capt. John Thornburg of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office said at a news conference on Wednesday.

Both inmates, who had been awaiting trial for gang-related killings at the Monterey County Adult Detention Facility in Salinas, Calif., are now facing escape charges, Captain Thornburg said.

The authorities had previously received a tip from someone who claimed to have seen the two men, who are both Salinas natives, at a Motel 6 in California, but when the authorities went to apprehend them, the men were no longer there, Captain Thornburg said.

The sheriff’s office later received another tip from someone who saw the two men near Tijuana, and notified Customs and Border Protection, the captain said.

Shortly after that, Mr. Fonseca and Mr. Salazar were located by the authorities as they were trying to cross the border around 11:35 p.m. on Tuesday. Customs and Border Protection officers took the men to another location and arrested them, Jackie Wasiluk, a Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman, said in a statement.

The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office took custody of the inmates around 5 a.m. Wednesday and both men are now back at the Salinas jail, Captain Thornburg said.

On Sunday, Mr. Fonseca and Mr. Salazar escaped their housing unit by creating a hole in the ceiling, Captain Thornburg said at a news conference on Monday. The men crawled through an eight-inch hole and escaped.

Mr. Fonseca was charged with two counts of first-degree murder in two shootings in Salinas last year that left two men dead, according to court records. Mr. Fonseca told the authorities that he was ordered to kill the men to prove his loyalty to the “Boronda gang,” according to The Californian.

Mr. Salazar was charged in the killing of Jaime Martinez, 20, in October 2017. Mr. Martinez had been driving in a car with his girlfriend and 18-month-old child.

I’m someone who is very much aware of the standards for “racism,” what is racist, what is acceptable, and the speed at which new categories of things are moving from “acceptable” to “racist.”

And I honestly would have thought that even reporting on Mexican murderers escaping detention, then going across the border, then getting caught when trying to reenter America, would be considered racist.

Especially to show their pictures in the article like that.

You’d think that this is news that mainstream media is simply supposed to skip over at this point, right?

Because reporting it could clearly lead to people thinking maybe Orange Man was right – and no one should ever consider the possibility that maybe Orange Man was right.