Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2014

Continuing their reign of ultimate terror, maximum death and endless justice, ISIS has claimed credit for the kidnapping of three ratfaced Jew brats who were hitch-hiking in the West Bank.
On Friday, Reuter’s Jerusalem bureau fielded a call from ’Dawlat al-Islam,’ an ISIS branch operating in Hebron. The caller claimed responsibility for the kidnappings and said the incident was in retaliation for the killing of three of its members, Fox News contributor Lisa Daftari reported on her blog.
In addition, flyers signed by the group making the same claim were distributed near Hebron.
The flyer reads:
Thanks to Allah, our holy warriors were able to kidnap three Zionist aggressors in the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.
That comes as part of the initial response to the assassination of our heroic holy warriors in Hebron, “Muhammad Nairoukh,” 29 years old, “Mahmoud Al-Najjar,” 23 years old, and Musi Makhamreh,” 22 years old. And that [also] comes as part of the pursuit to liberate our prisoners from the occupation forces’ prisons.
And it is [either] a jihad [for] victory or martyrdom
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Palestine – the West Bank
Friday, 15th of Sha’ban 1435, June 13, 2014
Two of the boys are 16, the other 19. One of them holds an American passport.
A torched car was found near Hebron, which is believed to have been used in the kidnapping. One of the boys was able to send an alert to the Jew government before their cellphones went dead.
Hamas has praised the operation, and if more such operations are carried out by ISIS, it is certain that they shall win the support and ultimately unify with the brave dealers of death and vengeance, ISIS.
Clearly, this is a show of force on ISIS’ part. I doubt they have any desire to use the Jew boys as bargaining chips. They do not appear to be the bargaining sort. They will free their kidnapped brothers from Israeli prisons as they freed their brothers from ZOG prisons in Mosul – by busting them out.

I predict the boys will be executed on video in the near future.
ISIS is an ugly thing. It is the blackest possible monster, violence and death incarnate.
ISIS is the wrath of God, a horde of savage animals unleashed from the bowels of the earth to scorch the earth and bring retribution to the Jews.
And so we countdown to Jerusalem.