Israel Too Weak to Dare Strike Iran: Defense Chief

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan has scoffed at Israel’s warmongering threats against the Islamic Republic, saying the Israeli regime is “too weak to dare make such a brazen move.”

Press TV
October 4, 2013


“[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s recent aggressive reaction and warmongering remarks shows the Islamic Republic of Iran’s political success and influence in the international arena,” Dehqan said on Friday.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly session on Tuesday, Netanyahu threatened unilateral military action against Iran to dismantle the Islamic Republic’s civilian nuclear facilities.

He repeated his baseless accusation that Tehran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, saying, “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

The majority of the American people favor dialog with Iran rather than military action, said Iran’s defense chief.

A recent national poll in the United States shows that 75 percent of Americans favor direct diplomatic negotiations with Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program.

Dehqan said Iran’s stance on the standoff over its nuclear energy program is completely logical, transparent and in keeping with international laws and regulations.

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