Italy: Catholic Church Giving Money to NGOs Flooding Italy with Invaders

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When you’re donating to your local parish, you should make it clear to your priest that you don’t want any of the money going to the Vatican.

No one is really clear how that works, but I assume all our Catholic readers go to churches where the priest is opposed to the current agenda of the Vatican, so they will understand you when you say you don’t want the money going to their sickening and satanic agenda.


A significant scandal has recently shaken the Catholic Church in Italy, as reported by La Verita Italian paper. Investigations by the city of Ragusa prosecutor’s office have exposed the involvement of certain Italian dioceses in funding Mediterranea, an organization responsible for the illegal migration of African immigrants to Europe.

These dioceses have allegedly contributed at least €2 million, with some of the Church’s payments ending up in the personal accounts of pro-immigration activists, according to Polish newspaper wPolityce.

Key figures in this informal network of bishops include Cardinal Matteo Zuppi of Bologna, Archbishop Corrado Lorefice of Palermo and several others, with Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg also implicated for donating €25,000.

The scandal’s central figure is Luca Casarini, a leftist activist known for his role in the 2001 G8 summit protests in Genoa. He later became involved in transporting illegal immigrants to Lampedusa. Casarini’s relationship with Pope Francis, beginning in December 2019, has raised eyebrows, especially after Francis invited Casarini to participate in the Vatican Synod of Bishops, despite his lack of active involvement in Church life.

Luca Casarini

Currently, Casarini and five other individuals who work for Mediterranea are under investigation in Sicily for a 2020 incident involving the Mare Jonio ship. At that time, they disembarked 27 migrants in a Sicilian port without permission. They had taken the migrants from a Danish supply ship 37 days before, with the Danish company, Maersk, paying them around $135,000 to take the migrants, which the company described as a donation. However, prosecutors say it was a payoff and in violation of Italian immigration laws.

Messages were intercepted during the investigation and leaked to the press, revealing that Mediterranea activists, funded by the Church officials, expressed disdain for the bishops in private while adopting a reverent tone in direct interactions. During the recordings, Casarini bragged that he was making $6,500 from donations, primarily from the Church, and therefore he could “pay the rent without having to go to work in a bar.”

Casarini and his merry gang meeting the fake Pope in November 2023

Casarini’s right-hand man, Giuseppe Caccia, had some choice words for Cardinal Zuppi and Archbishop Lorefice, saying: “These Bergoglian bishops are assholes.” Casarini himself laughed that the first letter on his behalf from the pope, which had the phrase “Luca, dear brother,” was not good enough, and they would have to get a second one saying, “Luca, beloved son.”

The chaplain of the Mare Jonio, Fr. Mattia Ferrari, a priest known for working in pro-refugee circles, said with astonishment: “The Catholic Church is becoming our Soros,” in reference to the funding they were receiving.

The differences between “Francis” and Soros should be listed off.

I can’t think of any right now.

God already told you what he thinks about diversity