Italy: Politician Says Planet’s Gonna Explode If People Who Don’t Believe in Climate Hoax Don’t Go to Jail

The thing that is really changing the weather is not so much the fact that people are not eating bugs as much as it is that people believe that eating bugs won’t change the weather.

We have to put them in prison.

Really, quite frankly, they need to just be killed.


Green Europe co-leader and MP Angelo Bonelli said Thursday that he would present a bill to criminalize climate change denial, adding that he considers the Italian government guilty of it.

“Italy has become a climate hotspot with a growing series of extreme weather events that have caused major damage all over the country,” Bonelli said.

“Violent storms with the hail the size of tennis balls destroyed houses, cars and crops in Veneto and Trentino, injuring 110 people, while in southern and central Italy temperatures have hit records of over 40°”.

If you don’t think cow farts change the weather you’re not just a criminal, but also crazy

He said “this denialist, couldn’t-care-about-climate” government should reflect on the 10 billion euros in damage caused by extreme climate events in Italy this year, on top of the 5.6 billion the agriculture sector lost last year due to flooding and drought.

Premier Giorgia Meloni has said that her government did not deny the reality of climate change, but wanted a “pragmatic approach” to achieving sustainability.

Yeah, that stupid bitch wants to pragmatically force you to eat bugs, just like she pragmatically solved the Ukraine crisis by going apeshit, and pragmatically solved the migrant crisis by quadrupling arrivals.

She is a psycho, pragmatic cunt.