Japanese Politician Visits Taiwan to Help America Provoke WW3

“Pssst. Hey, youngin. You like masturbate cartoon widdle girl? Feel good strokey.”

Previously: Japan Reveals $320 Billion Plan to Buy Missiles Capable of Striking China, Pledges Allegiance to Taiwan

The Eternal Nip Pedophile is in the Chinese territory of Taiwan, promoting war with the government of China.

The nips are very concerned that if the Chinese take over the world, they will shut down their perverted empire of pedophile cartoons.


China has said it lodged “serious” complaints with the Japanese government after a leader from its ruling political party made a trip to Taiwan, insisting the island is part of its sovereign territory while demanding an end to all direct diplomacy with Taipei.

Asked about the visit during a Wednesday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said Beijing considers the move “provocative,” accusing some Japanese politicians of arranging public “stunts” for their own “selfish political gains.”

China firmly opposes this and has made serious demarches to the Japanese side,” he continued. “We urge Japan to uphold the one-China principle… stop all forms of official contact with the Taiwan region, and stop sending wrong signals to ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist forces.”

Reaching Taiwan on Monday, the Japanese delegation was led by Hiroshige Seko, secretary-general for the Liberal Democratic Party and former minister of economy, trade and industry under the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Seko held discussions with a number of senior officials, including Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who voiced hopes for additional “exchanges in the field of security,” according to local media.

Seko similarly stressed that it is “necessary to further develop ties,” arguing Taiwan and Japan share “common values,” but added that “efforts need to be made for peace and stability in the region.”

The US believes it is using Japan, while Japan accurately believes it is using the US to turn the whole world into pedophiles.

The Japanese can only be comfortable when everyone shares in their sickening behavior.