Jew Bitch Luciana Berger Talking About Us on the BBC

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2014

On the 18th of December, the filthy Jew bitch Luciana Berger – who is also often referred to as a “ratfaced kike” – appeared on the BBC’s The World Tonight to attempt to syphon pity from the public following a series of severely hurt feelings she experienced when a bunch of very bad goyim said mean things about her on the internet.

This coincided with an interview she did with the Telegraph, her return to the public eye following a retreat to the shadows wherein she dwells, plotting and scheming.  We have not seen any pictures of her taken since her re-emergence, though it is suspected she is even fatter than before.

The BBC presenter had the decency to give the name “Daily Stormer,” though the kike herself simply referred to us as “an American website.”

In a bit of hilarity almost too good to have been coincidental, directly preceding the Berger piece, wherein she praises anti-speech laws in England but says more needs to be done to curb free speech internationally, there was a bit about the recent North Korea/Sony hacking/Cancelled film drama, wherein the Jew David Aaronovitch whined about how free speech is immutable.

So, making a film about killing the leader of a country is good and free speech and if someone silences it it’s a new holocaust, while hurting a Jew’s feelings with mean jokes is evil hatespeech and must be silenced.  The host of the show did not note the disconnect from one segment to the next.

Interestingly, the Jewess Berger claims the government is going to somehow start getting IPs of all British people who dare say mean things about her on the internets.  I believe this is a bluff.  She is aware we are following her as closely as she is following us.

Also interestingly, we now have the same goal: to force Twitter to engage keyword blockers for the purpose of protecting the Jews.  Actually, that isn’t even my goal – my goal is to have all Jews deported to Israel forever.  But, taking down Twitter by forcing them to implement an unmanageable keyword filter system is a fine milestone on the road to that goal.

Also, Twitter refusing to do anything and Berger continuing to flip serves our purposes equally well.

This is about the drama.  And Berger is a fake Ben Garrison-level lolcow.

Seriously, what is even her goal here?

How is the Trolling?

Yesterday, I announced World Twitter War II: The Lampshading.

Please go ahead and use the comments section here to give updates as to how that’s going.  I’m hearing reports that accounts are getting banned rather quickly.  If this is the case, we will need to alter the strategy slightly.

I’ll give a progress report sometime in the next 24 hours.