Why does #SriLanka claim it opposes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, then turn around and prosecute people for same-sex relations using appalling Forced Anal Exams? https://t.co/XlWcEwVarg pic.twitter.com/kpXqx44o5c
— Human Rights Watch (@hrw) October 21, 2020
You have to examine the anus of a faggot before you prosecute him. Otherwise, you could end up prosecuting a hetero who just acts like a fag.
I’m shocked the Jewish Human Rights Watch doesn’t care about the potential categorization of a faggy hetero as a criminal faggot.
Police in Sri Lanka are employing inhuman ways to confirm whether a man has engaged in gay sex, according to a new report from Human Rights Watch (HRW).
Sri Lanka, an island nation of 21 million people, criminalizes “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” and “gross indecency between persons.”
The law emanates from Sections 365 and 365A of the Penal Code, which the British passed in 1883 during its colonial rule.

If convicted, offenders may face up to 10 years in prison and pay an ordered amount in fines.
“No one should be arrested, let alone subjected to torture and sexual violence, because of their perceived sexual orientation,” said Neela Ghoshal, associate LGBTQ rights director at HRW.
By the way – isn’t calling an anal exam “torture” an admission that all gay sex is sadomasochistic torture?
Isn’t that homophobic?
And yes, of course the head of this group is Jewish.
The head of every group that doesn’t specifically ban Jews is eventually going to be Jewish, and they will use that group to push a Jew agenda.