Jewish ‘Porn Professor’ Admits to Mental Illness and Homosexual Perversion

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2013


Andrew Anglin previously examined the disgusting behavior of professor Hugo Schwyzer, a Jew who became famous for teaching college courses on pornography, some of which featured guest appearances by adult performers.  It now turns out that Schwyzer suffers from bi-polar disorder and “sexual addiction”.  From the Daily Caller:

After admitting to sexting with porn actresses, taking a leave of absence from teaching and attempting suicide, American pornography professor Hugo Schwyzer is living in self-imposed exile under the supervision of his mother in Carmel, California.

In a revelatory interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, Schwyzer explained that the the fame he received from teaching a class about pornography and interacting with porn stars worsened his bipolar disorder, causing him to stray repeatedly from his marriage and eventually suffer a nervous breakdown.

Schwyzer described his current condition as “safe but unwell.” He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, and is taking Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Klonopin, Seroquel and lithium to manage his mood.

Schwyzer admits that the fame went to his head. He started texting sexual messages and pictures of himself in, and beginning in January, engaged in extramarital affairs with several women and one man. Some were in the porn business, and none were students, he said.

He began sexting with one of his contacts in the porn world, a 27-year-old woman who takes off her clothes for an internet video channel, about the prospect of having a threesome…in front of the entire class. The woman eventually leaked the text messages, which included sexual pictures of Schwyzer, to the media.

In addition to admitting sexual problems, Schwyzer revealed his academic incompetence:

Schwyzer now claims that he was unqualified to teach the class, and manipulated his way into a position of authority on pornography, gender and sex.

“I was not qualified to teach any gender studies class,” he said “The fact that I did so well at times is due to diligence and grace, not my formal education. Bottom line: I used charm and certainty to get what I wanted.”

I suggest that the reason he was able to get away with teaching “gender studies” for years was due not to “diligence and grace”, but rather to the fact that “gender studies” is a completely phony academic discipline to begin with.

Recently I wrote about the phenomenon of mentally unstable Jews presenting themselves as authorities who can “enlighten” white Christians by releasing us from sexual repression, thereby healing us of our pathological racism and sexism.  Jews as a whole think of themselves as being more “neurotic” than gentiles, and yet even when admitting their own mental problems they refuse to accept that their moral judgments might be tainted by this instability.  Schwyzer is no different, as he still maintains that pornography is completely wholesome, and that courses on pornography should be taught at college.

Despite his mental illness and disgraceful behavior, Schwyzer was not dismissed from his job and has merely been placed on extended leave. Even if he is unable to teach another class on pornography, there is little doubt that this sick Jew will eventually return to the classroom to further contaminate the minds of American youth.