Ever since the children of the titans rose up against their abusive parents as a result of an illegitimate power grab by Cronus, the stars were aligned for the ultimate showdown between Ethan Klein and Jordan Peterson and his whore daughter.
If you’d read your Karl Jung and you’re like, Derrida or whatever – you would have known this was coming.
Woe to those cursed to live in the days of this great battle of cunning and wits.
Years ago I interviewed Jordan Peterson before I was very familiar with his politics – he was an interesting guest who I enjoyed sitting with. But, especially now, I can see he’s a dangerous gateway to alt-right, transphobia, and covid misinfo. I removed both interviews today.
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 14, 2022
To start, you called a ban on conversation therapy “moral grandstanding” six days ago. https://t.co/4Y1KbODFGX pic.twitter.com/g5bedQWa2k
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
You believe in “enforced monogamy”, from New York Times Interview: pic.twitter.com/1LOmhcK7nS
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
Your mischaracterization of Bill C-16 resulted in a surge of transphobia. The bill was created to add trans people as a protected group against hate crimes. Using the wrong pronoun would not result in anyone going to jail, in fact to this day, zero people have gone to jail.
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
Using the “wrong pronouns” would need to be considered in totality with other actions for it to constitute a hate crime – basically, like any other hate crime.
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
As I person, I found you amicable and our conversations very interesting and insightful, but I am just not comfortable being apart of a pipeline leading to takes like this. pic.twitter.com/cAsUZD7obx
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
This is my problem, Jordan. U asked for specific reasons, I provided them. Instead of acknowledging my response, u retract further into ur bubble of flatterers & devotees, talking of how u “schooled me on cancel culture.” U didnt school me, Jordan. Ur room is as messy as ur mind https://t.co/JOVrulOszV
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
And Jordan, regarding cancel culture, the only thing that has ever guided me is my own moral compass. Everything else is just noise. The mob is free to cancel me as it will, and they have plenty of times.
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
And actually, “cancelling”, as you call it, sometimes is a good experience, as painful as it is. The times when I’ve received the most flack on things I’ve said are the times I’ve learned the most about myself and the world, and how to be more mindful and caring of others.
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
It’s not always a call for defensiveness and shrinking. There is always growth to be had. I will speak to people I trust that challenge me. You, on the other hand, surround yourself with yes-men. Growth is human.
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
How is fleecing your fathers fandom going? $100 per month for the lionclub, teaching people that eating only meat cures all ailments? Must have been nice to be posting cute selfies from your fathers social media accounts while he nearly died. https://t.co/2IVZwGv1tc
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 15, 2022
The stage is set for a vicious escalation of a conflict that will reach across the entire battlefield of the mind, and unveil the deepest truths which were hidden by the ancients.
Related: Why Does Jordan Peterson Think He’s a Father Figure When His Daughter is a Huge Slut?
The powerful mage Peterson recently made a recovery from a grievous addiction to mana potions, with help from the mystics of the Far East, who were forced to channel the force of the One Power through an orb. He’s returned to the fight, stronger than ever.
Meanwhile his daughter has been honing her skills, preparing for exactly this kind of endgame battle of the mind.
One thing is clear: while Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson feast on meat, many only want to shove their face into her low-cut blouse, and feast on Makaila’s juicy tits.
The Knave Klein meanwhile is equally prepared.
No one knows where this battle will end.
The only thing we know is that the fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance, as these champions of Darkness and Light gather their allies and prepare for the final battle.
“I love saying n—ger fa—got”
Newly surfaced video of Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) shows him using racist & anti-gay slurs. Klein deleted his old interview with @jordanbpeterson yesterday, claiming the professor is hateful & a “gateway to alt-right.” pic.twitter.com/rk6pLHXeJp
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) January 15, 2022