Jews Get Hit with Rockets After Joe Biden Visit

You do really and genuinely have to wonder if Hamas isn’t run by the Mossad.

I mean, I get the fighting spirit and so on. I get it. But what strategic benefit do Palestinians get from firing bottle rockets into Israel?

We definitely know the strategic benefit that Israel gets from this!


Multiple rockets have been launched into Israel from Gaza, according to the Israel Defense Forces, which shared footage of the attack in progress, just hours after US President Joe Biden departed the country. 

The IDF commented on the rocket fire in the early hours of Saturday, saying one projectile was intercepted by Israel’s air defenses, while another landed in an open area and caused no injuries or damage

“This is the moment innocent Israelis had to run for immediate shelter when terrorists in Gaza fired 2 rockets toward them,” the military said while posting a video of the incoming rockets.

No group immediately took responsibility for the attack, though the IDF pinned the rocket fire on Hamas, the political party and militant group which governs Gaza.

The military later said it targeted a Hamas “military site with an underground production workshop for rocket materials” in retaliation, calling it “one of the most important and largest sites” of its kind in the region.

“The attack on the site will significantly complicate the rocket production process in the Gaza Strip, with the aim of undermining the intensifying capabilities of the Hamas terrorist organization,” it added.

Most of you are probably too young to remember when Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon order settlers to pull out of Gaza, then told the Gaza Palestinians they had to vote for a new government, then they elected Hamas.

Israel was just like “well, okay then, that’s their right in the democracy we just forced on them.” Sharon fell on his sword over this issue, with many in Israel angry he pulled out of Gaza – but it sure did work out well for them to have constant harmless rockets flying in whenever they needed them to fly in.

Sharon began pulling out settlements in Gaza in 2004, and Israel made them hold an election in 2007 (even though it would have made more logical sense for them to have been ruled directly by Ramallah). If you want the background on the story, this Wikipedia page is okay (though remember it is heavily edited by the Jews).

Now for decades, Hamas has been firing rockets at Israel that basically never kill anyone, but give Israel an infinite power to claim it is always defending itself whenever it does anything to the Palestinians.

You do kind of have to ask the question here.

Israel could just as easily be going into Gaza and firing these rockets themselves, and everyone would believe it was Hamas, and even if Hamas didn’t do it, they wouldn’t deny it.

It’s really ridiculous.

Honestly, I don’t care about Palestinians. In my view, it’s their issue, and the fact that no one in the Moslem world (other than Iran) will do anything to help them makes them pretty unsympathetic.

What I do care about is the fact that Israel is a crime base for international Jewish gangsterism, and I hate to see them getting more power. Hamas has accomplished nothing other than giving Israel more power. Israel can use Hamas as the explanation as to why they need more infinity money from the US for their military, and why they are allowed to behave however they want on the world stage – “we’re under a constant threat!”

This process of Jews creating enemies and then demanding protection from the enemies they created is a consistent Jewish behavior, to the point where you have to always wonder if any anti-Semitic group is actually designed or run by the Jews. I’ve said this about various neo-Nazi groups, and in fact, neo-Nazis groups have had Jewish leaders, constantly.

The leader of the “American Nazi Party” was a Jew named “Frank Collin” – after he was exposed as a pederast, it was also exposed that he was a Jew whose real surname was “Cohen.”

This guy was doing hardcore Nazi streetfighting in the 1970s, and was this big boogieman who helped justify silencing any criticism of the Jews.

As far as I can tell, anyone even remotely related to neo-Nazism is controlled by the Jews, or is Jewish. I saw this with many of the leaders of the groups who went to Charlottesville.

You can never just assume that because someone says they’re against the Jews, they actually are against the Jews, and you always have to take a step back and ask if the behavior of the alleged anti-Semite is hurting or helping the Jews.

With Hamas, I think most people involved are genuine, and just feel helpless and feel like they need to fight back in some way. But ultimately, everything they do helps Jews, doesn’t it?