Jews Post Billboards Whining About the Holocaust

Firstly, America didn’t even do the Holocaust. Secondly, the Holocaust didn’t even happen. But thirdly, even if it had happened, something nearly a century ago on another continent has nothing to do with me or my problems and I’m sick of being harassed about it.

Jews get in your face about this Holo gibberish.

I don’t care about this.

Miami Herald:

The messages calling out anti-Semitism are strong and direct.

“We’re just 75 years since the gas chambers. So no, a billboard calling out Jew hate isn’t an overreaction.”

Ladies and gentlemen: Jewish self-awareness levels.

“Does your church need armed guards? ‘Cause our synagogue does.”

Why do so many people want to kill you though? 

These messages will soon be popping up on billboards across South Florida as part of the New York-based nonprofit JewBelong’s #EndJewHate campaign.

The bright pink signs with the white lettering are meant to spark conversation. They have already appeared in Times Square in New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Boston.

“There’s been a tsunami of Jewish hate,” said Archie Gottesman, co-founder of Jew Belong, which is focused on making Judaism less intimidating. “It’s insane. We need to spread awareness.”

The billboards — paid for with fundraising dollars — come as anti-Semitic incidents continue to make headlines in South Florida and beyond. Last weekend, there were Neo-Nazi demonstrations in Orlando. The week before, anti-Semitic fliers were found at homes in Surfside and Miami Beach.

Protip, Jews: harassing people isn’t a way to make them stop hating you.

If all of these people really do hate you and want to kill you, you need to do some self-reflection.

If I went around the world and everyone in every country was trying to kill me, I would ask myself: “why are all of these people trying to kill me?”