Joe Biden Attacks Bernie Sanders Because Bernie Bros Made Fun of Him on the Internet

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2020

Well, you certainly can’t accuse Joe Biden of being petty.

Wait, I mean that you can accuse Joe Biden of being petty. What you can’t accuse him of is being emotionally unstable. Wait. Actually I mean you can’t accuse him of being senile.


Joe Biden said he doesn’t believe fellow Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders is doing enough to quell his fervent supporters’ “vicious, malicious” behavior online.

The former vice president was asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd whether Sanders bore any responsibility after a group of his supporters were accused of threatening members of Nevada’s powerful Culinary Workers Union for not supporting the Vermont senator’s “Medicare for All” proposal.

“He may not be responsible for it, but he has some accountability,” Biden said during the interview that will air on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “If any of my supporters did that, I’d disown them. Flat disown them.”

Joe, you disown people for asking you questions.

Meanwhile, you’re complaining about Bernie supporters on the internet saying mean things, while you called a poor ugly woman a “dog-faced pony” in public for the sole purpose of humiliating her, because you couldn’t handle her question.

She can’t change her face, Joe.

You’re a weird pussy who can’t control his own emotions in public, Joe.

It’s shameful, Joe.

You act like a woman, Joe.

You’re emotionally unstable, Joe.

Which means you’re not in a position to talk about anyone else doing anything you find anti-social, because you have no ability to personally determine what is or is not anti-social behavior.

Why are we even still talking about Joe Biden?

How long does it take before we are going to acknowledge that this is over and move on?

Do we really have to wait for him to drop out?

Because that could take a while.