Great news, my Judeo-Christian brothers.
Yahweh has touched Joe Biden with the spirit of Yeshua, and he’s seen that he must stand with Israel.
We can expect a big time blessing for our nation to be delivered soon.
In a call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, President Joe Biden “expressed his support for a cease-fire,” according to a White House readout of the conversation.
The shift came after 29 Democratic and independent senators issued a joint statement on the issue earlier Monday.
“To prevent any further loss of civilian life and to prevent further escalation of conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories, we urge an immediate cease-fire,” said the group led by Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-Ga.
At least 200 Palestinians have been killed in a week of airstrikes, including 59 children and 35 women, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Ten people in Israel, including a 5-year-old boy and a soldier, have been killed in the rocket attacks launched from Gaza toward civilian areas in Israel.
Democrats split on Israel
The deadly violence isn’t just an urgent foreign policy crisis for Biden. It’s also a fraught political debate in Washington, with Democrats increasingly divided over the consistent economic and military support the U.S. has provided Israel since its founding.
“The movement for a more balanced U.S. policy that is pro-Israel, pro-peace, anti-occupation … has grown significantly over the past few years, and it’s become a major force in the Democratic Party,” said Logan Bayroff, communications director for J Street, a left-leaning Jewish advocacy group.
Biden is under mounting pressure from progressives to offer stronger support for the Palestinians, who were sidelined during much of the Trump administration.
Tensions among Democrats were heightened Monday after The Washington Post reported that the Biden administration approved $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel. Members of Congress were notified of the sale nearly two weeks ago. It makes up just a fraction of the more than $3 billion in annual security assistance the United States sends to Israel.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and some Democrats have criticized the aid, saying it needs to come with strings attached.
The spark that ignited the conflict was an effort by Jewish settlers to evict Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem. It has spiraled into a deadly military confrontation between Hamas, the terrorist group that controls Gaza, and Israeli military forces.
Saturday, an Israeli airstrike on a refugee camp killed at least 10 Palestinians from an extended family, mostly children, the deadliest single strike of the current conflict, according to The Associated Press. By Monday, at least 200 Palestinians had been killed and eight Israelis.
Well folks, it turns out that it doesn’t matter that Joe Biden stole the election. His heart has been turned by Yahweh to support slaughtering Palestinian children.
America’s only role in Judeo-Christianity is to protect Israel. That’s why Yahweh created America: to payroll the slaughter of babies in Palestine.
Once we slaughter enough babies, Yeshua will come down from outer space and suck us all up into the sky. Cars will crash when people get raptured up while they’re driving. Yeshua is going to kill many people with unmanned cars in the rapture, but it was their choice to not support the Jews.
America is getting a blessing for each dead child. We don’t know what the magic number of dead Palestinian children is before we get sucked out of our cars while we’re driving, but it’s a lot.
Let us pray to Yahweh that Joe Biden hurries up those missile shipments and this ceasefire doesn’t hold. Israel really needs to be able to start killing children hard so the rapture will come, because America has become an unlivable hell.
But you should be joyful. When you see homeless drug addicts in the street masturbating, when you see transsexual children, when you see blacks rioting and killing people, when you see the border come tumbling down and millions pouring over, when you go to get your infant child vaccinated with a deadly gene therapy cocktail – you should laugh with holy laughter, because that is all part of the blessing. Your country is falling down around you, and that means the time is near for the rapture.
The blessing is truly here, folks. Praise be to Yahweh, for his blessing is truly bountiful.
May he continue to guide Joe Biden’s hand in helping the blessed and chosen Jews slaughter babies.
Joe Biden is America’s president.
But Benjamin Netanyahu is Yahweh’s president.