Joe “Vaxxy Joe” Biden is going to meet with Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, allegedly. I still don’t understand how that is even possible.
They’ve canceled the public press conference, because it would just be too embarrassing and ridiculous.
The media has largely dealt with the problematic fact of Joe Biden’s senility by portraying him as a kindly grandfather.
But then in the run-up to the meeting with Putin, TIME Magazine did a cover with Biden as the hardcore badass in aviator glasses ready to face down the villainous Red Terror.
The US media constantly depicts complex relations between countries as some adolescent competition about which President can be more macho and stare down the other one, like 12-year-olds playing a staring game.
Putin shaking when he sees Biden's aviator glasses. pic.twitter.com/TQ2wbC9Ttf
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 11, 2021
Obviously, this is childish, and speaks to the fact that America is a nation of children.
Leftists will look at that and not laugh. They probably won’t even think about the implications consciously, but subconsciously imagine that Biden’s meeting with Putin will be like that movie Drive Angry with Nick Cage.
I remember thinking that movie was fun at the time, then my friend Bjorn said that it just represented everything bad about the Jewish portrayal of white men in film, because Cage is both a badass (role model) and a degenerate.
Can’t believe that was ten years ago.
Degenerate or not, you couldn’t make the film today – it would be racist/sexist/homophobic.
They made Mandy, which was awesome (same sort of film but Nick played a more wholesome character), but they weren’t allowed to have any dialogue in it. There was barely even a story. But I think Mandy was one of the best movies of the last decade. Mandy, Dredd and Blade Runner 2049 are the three I always say.
But the point here is: is Biden really a badass? Or is he a kindly granddad?
Shouldn’t the media settle on one or the other?
I was really excited when it looked like Biden and Putin were going to do a press conference together. The media acted like that was going to happen all the way up until yesterday. I guess we all should have known it wouldn’t happen.
Can you imagine being Putin and going to sit in a room with Joe Biden while everyone is pretending that this is some kind of serious thing, and Biden just mumbling about “me and Barack, we uh, you know, we, the thing – we got it done and uh, you uh, aw jeez man, I’m sorry, it’s the uh, we gotta stop it, you know, we gotta – America’s back man! You gotta, uh, you know, we can, we can see eye to eye, but the uh… oh what’s that? Oh, I’m sorry, uh, man I just – they’re tellin’ me I gotta go.”
That would be more surreal than Mandy.
It’s kind of humiliating for Putin, I think, to have to pretend like this is real.
But what we’re trying to understand here is the fact that there are people in America who do apparently think this is all real, and that Joe Biden, who can’t speak in sentences, is going to have a stern talk to Vladimir Putin about how he has to stop hacking everything.