John McCain’s Whore Wife to Get Ambassadorship from Biden

Ambassadorships are something that are handed out as political favors.

This is disgusting.


President JOE BIDEN is preparing to name Republican CINDY MCCAIN to a coveted ambassador post in Western Europe in what would be his administration’s first Republican appointee to a Senate-confirmed position.

McCain is undergoing vetting to be nominated for U.S. ambassador to the U.N. World Food Programme, a mission based in Rome, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter. This comes after the administration declined to install at least one member from the opposing party in a Cabinet position — a practice of three consecutive presidents (BILL CLINTON, GEORGE W. BUSH and BARACK OBAMA) before DONALD TRUMP broke the streak.

Cindy McCain, the wife of the late Sen. JOHN MCCAIN, gave Biden a critical boost in Arizona with her endorsement of the Democrat over Trump. Biden was the first Democratic presidential nominee to carry the state since Clinton in 1996.

McCain, 66, is undergoing a background check for the post. The Biden administration is expected to announce most of its ambassadors at the same time, rather than individually.

As chair of the McCain Institute board of trustees, McCain has worked on curbing world hunger and human trafficking. During the 2008 campaign, she traveled to Georgia with the U.N.’s World Food Programme to visit wounded soldiers after a Russian invasion and also monitored the program’s work in Southeast Asia and Africa.

The difference between the views of John McCain – or his comrades, such as Mitt Romney – and Joe Biden and his people is officially nonexistent.

I can see no difference between these two ostensibly different political groups.

With Donald Trump, whatever you want to say about him, there was a legitimate and measurable difference between him and the Democrats and the cuck Republicans, in virtually every area of policy and political philosophy.

The problem was that Trump was incapable of doing any aspect of his own agenda. He also put people like Mike Pompeo in charge, and Pompeo is now informally working for the Biden Administration, having taken a job at the Hudson Institute, a think tank that the Antony Blinken State Department is using to form policies.

The Biden Administration is really the combination of everything horrible about Republicans and everything horrible about Democrats, rolled into one BEAST.

At least Barack Obama was willing to push back against Israel. There are probably several other ways in which the Obama Administration was better than the Biden Administration, though I can’t think of them right now. But the Iran deal was a legitimate pushback against Israel, and a legitimate attempt to create stability in the region. Of course, even before Biden was elected, he was sending people out to say that they would not be returning to the Iran deal, and would instead be trying to ramp up tensions with the country.

They have followed through on that since gaining control through a FAKE election.

It’s strange – every time I say “FAKE election” I now get a little tingle in my spine. Even my brain has registered that this is something you should be afraid of saying. And I’ve spent a whole lot of time saying a whole lot of things you’re not supposed to say, and never really thought much of it.