Johns Hopkins Publishes Paper Saying That Lockdowns Did Nothing Good, Destroyed Economy and Society

It’s really strange that all of these things that I said two years ago are now being announced by “the experts.”

It was obvious that even if you believed in the coronavirus as a new virus (as opposed to a rebranding of the flu) that the lockdowns were completely insane and that they would totally destroy the economy and society. I said all of this at the time in spring of 2020. Then that happened.

Now, Johns Hopkins University has published a paper saying all of this.

The paper, entitled “A LITERATURE REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF LOCKDOWNS ON COVID-19 MORTALITY,” comes to the conclusion that the lockdowns had “little to no public health effects” while they have “imposed enormous economic and social costs.”

It’s not true of course that they’ve had “little to no public health effects.” There was one study that showed that college-aged people had gained an average of 28 pounds. That’s a public health effect. You also have the rise in suicides, drug overdoses, divorces, child and other domestic abuse, the failure to treat cancer patients and people with other serious conditions which has resulted in mass death, and all of the other things we’ve cataloged on this website so compulsively for the last two years.

“Enormous economic and social costs” is certainly on point, however. Trillions of dollars worth of wealth has been transferred from the middle class to the richest 1% of the 1%. Children and teenagers are not only failing to develop socially, but are actually developing mental retardation. Their IQs are dropping.

What’s more, the entire Black Lives Matter revolutionary movement and the abolishing of law and order was only possible within the context of the massive social disruption caused by the coronavirus hoax.

Basically, on the advice of people from Johns Hopkins University, the government completely destroyed every aspect of Western civilization. Now they’re coming out and saying “whoops! Sorry!”

It’s certainly not what I expected!

People will say that I said definitively that we were going to go back into lockdown this winter. What I actually said was that I expected that. Obviously, some countries are still in serious lockdown mode, and many cities in the United States are. There is everything from the Australia and Austria situation, to the Germany situation, to the Canada situation.

Nowhere has anything gone back to normal, and it is actually getting worse. But it’s not getting as worse as I had guessed it would, and instead we now have these dual narratives of “we should scale this back” and “everyone needs to take more and more vaccines and actually everything is getting so much worse and the hospitals are overwhelmed.”

The fact that this is going in two different directions – one less extreme and one more extreme – shows that this is not “wrapping up” and we are not headed back towards any form of normalcy. But for whatever reason, they are scaling back in some areas and regions – or at least not going more extreme.

For now.

The UK just announced that because the health system would collapse if they forced every healthcare worker to take the vaccine, they are not going to do that.

That is a really shocking announcement.

Another shocking announcement was made this week by governors Asa Hutchinson and Phil Murphy, who announced that it was time to “move past the pandemic.”

…and that comes hours after they appeared together on Chuck Todd’s show talking about a need for mandated boosters.

Meanwhile, Lord Fauci is moving to vaccinate infants – with a vaccine that the creator says doesn’t do anything.

On some level, these people might feel like they’ve gained so much – vaxed so many people, damaged the economy and social order so badly – that it’s okay to chill out for a while, and give the public a breather, before we enter into the next stage.

Serious “locked in your house” lockdowns were never meant to be permanent. What is meant to be permanent is this constant state of flux, with all of these different restrictions coming in and out, schools opening and closing, people working from home or not working at all, the complete gutting of the middle class, the infinite money printing. Just the total social chaos. And of course: infinity vaccines. That was always the goal, and maybe they are standing back and looking at the sheer progress, and saying “okay, let’s pause this.”

It’s kind of like if you beat a big boss in a video game, then say “okay, I’m putting the controller down, gonna walk around the room a bit, grab a drink, have a vape.”

There is also now this myopic focus on war with Russia, and it’s possible that they feel that the current level of Covid hysteria is interfering with their ability to pump up that particular lunacy.

Either way, understand: all of these emergency health measures are still on the books, and any of this can change at any time if they decide to start talking about a new variant, or embrace the new “stealth omicron,” or whatever they might do.

Don’t get caught slipping.