Kevin McCarthy Totally Cockblocked from Speakership After Losing 5 Votes


As of 3:07 PM EST, McCarthy has now lost five votes, lol.

He’s obviously going to have to step down. He’s losing more and more votes.

They’re going for a sixth vote.

People are backing off of the sixth vote.

Trump is backing off of McCarthy.

Gaetz wins.

Flawless victory.

Original article follows.

Kevin McCarthy lost three separate votes for the House Speakership on Tuesday, and is now flopping around like a moron.

He thought he was just going to walk in and take over, and his hopes were dashed when a dissident group refused to support him.

Basically, there is no way McCarthy is going to get the votes he needs unless he totally changes all of his positions and starts making a bunch of promises in writing to right-wingers.

He might try to do another vote today, I guess, but there is no reason to believe he can win, which means he is going to have to step aside and someone else is going to have to be forwarded as a candidate. Right now, people are voting for Jim Jordan. (I don’t like Jordan because he just talks and refuses to do anything, but someone who says the right things is better than someone like McCarthy who is just an open Democrat supporter).

The revolt has been led by Matt Gaetz, who has sworn to never surrender.

Gaetz nominated Jim Jordan in an epic speech.

McCarthy was sitting listening and smiling uncomfortably, looking like Dennis the Menace after getting caught hitting Mr. Wilson in the face with a rake.

Stopping McCarthy is really the biggest political victory that any Republican has gotten since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, and if you exclude elections, it’s the biggest political victory for a Republican in I don’t even know how long.

McCarthy is every kind of shill, shilling for literally every Democrat agenda (other than maybe gun control), but most relevantly right now, he is shilling for the Democrat war against Russia.

The GOP establishment is disgusting and they should be totally overthrown. All of these people associated with McCarthy need to be run out.

The people complaining that not electing McCarthy is what makes the GOP look bad are actually deranged lunatics. The GOP now supports so-called “anal marriage.” If anything, the Gaetz uprising makes them look much better, showing that the party is not necessarily completely doomed.

Gaetz framed this loss as primarily a loss for Zelensky, the Jew dictator of the Ukraine who is the US proxy for this war.

Gaetz also wrote a letter demanding that McCarthy stop squatting in the Speaker’s office.

He’s straight-up stunting on this nigga. He literally popped the top and did the dance.

Many are suggesting that Gaetz should be honored with the first rights to rewrite the “how to look cool in school” WikiHow page.

Tucker Carlson, a man who supports so-called anal marriage and has unironically referred to fisting (including double-fisting) and eating your own semen mixed with feces out of another man’s rectum as “love,” is also making demands against McCarthy, citing FBI abuses.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, also known as “Large Marge,” who used to be cool but recently became a total shill for McCarthy, is having some kind of freakout and some are saying she is preparing to go “Hulk mode.”

In an interview with some fat drunk, she was gnashing her teeth and frothing at the mouth, leading many to believe she’s already begun the transformation.

That old bitch thinks she’s smart and thinks she’s doing smart politics as she’s shilling for the Ukraine war. It’s really pathetic.

The man known only as “The Zioclops” vowed revenge against Gaetz and his squad.

Meanwhile, Democrats are flipping out, worried that a Republican House that is run by Gaetz Law could actually oppose their sickening agenda.

They are going around the internet saying “haha, there is a tiny bit of dissent in the Republican Party – haha, how pathetic that they don’t have total consensus like our party.”

I had more or less lost all interest in the GOP and their stupid “anal sex and war” political agenda, but this is really great.