Leo and Greta Drop Sex Tape – Surprisingly HOT [NSFW]

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2019

lol jk.

I’m not posting that shit. You’re gonna have to find it somewhere else.

Here are some Groyper War updates.

Check all this here:

So sad for Charlie.

I hope he’s okay.

I hope he doesn’t kill himself.

I hope he just Googles the Leo and Greta sex tape and has a happy time.

But he won’t, will he?

The question now is: who is this bitch?

She seems to know her shit.

Good job.

Stefan’s good, but sort of a cold take here.

I don’t think anyone is afraid of the media.

The issue is that they’re being paid by Jews to shill.

Doesn’t really need to be more complicated than that.

Michelle is staying strong with Team Groyp.

And no, Rich Lowry should definitely not be the spokesperson for nationalism.

Tucker is good but… he’s going to have to really step it up here.

We are entering a time of trouble and turmoil, when heroes will rise – and so with orcas.

Orcas will rise right up out of the ocean, because this sonovabitch Sebastian Gorka keeps feeding them boom cooooooom pills and selling them pillows.