Literal Porn Star Attacks Groypers, Alleges We are Masturbating Incels

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2019

Talk about pulling out all the stops.

The latest Conservative, Inc. proxy attacking Nick Fuentes is Mindy Robinson, who is – hold on, lemme google that…

A porn star.

And she is calling people… incels.

Like Don Jr.’s spic whore called us.

But hey, at least she doesn’t repeatedly talk about how we’re all a bunch of masturbators like Ben Shapiro does.

Because that would be kinda hypocritical, I think.

Er. Wait, I… I may have spoken too soon.



Ironically, the porn industry recently attacked us for not masturbating.

But I guess that was the… leftist porn industry?

Some of this stuff is getting pretty convoluted and a little bit hard to follow.