LOL: Orthodox Jews Rioting After Israeli Government Says They Must Serve in the IDF

Daily Stormer
February 7, 2014

The ugliness of Jews is really incredible.  I mean, every time you see one in a picture, it is just like "wow."
The ugliness of Jews is really incredible. I mean, every time you see one in a picture, it is just like “wow.”

There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing Jews fighting with each other, and it happens so rarely, it must be celebrated each time.

Yesterday, thousands of “ultra-orthodox” yids blocked highways across Israel and “clashed” with the IDF as they protested the government’s plan to force them into the military.

You would think the “ultra-orthodox” Jews would be interested in shooting little Arab kids after they bulldoze their houses.  It is not like the IDF requires some sort of physical prowess – you sit in a giant futuristic looking war machine and kill babies and old people.

"Meh, bulldozing homes and shooting unarmed babies and old people, meh, so difficult troubles, meh, oy vey." -Orthodox Jews
“Meh, bulldozing homes and shooting unarmed babies and old people, meh, so difficult troubles, meh, oy vey.” -Orthodox Jews

From the AP:

In Jerusalem, some 400 activists tried to block the entrance to the city but were dispersed with water cannons and 15 were arrested. In the southern city of Ashdod, the demonstrators hurled stones at the police, injuring two policemen. Rosenfeld said eight protesters were arrested there.

Elsewhere, a major highway in central Israel was blocked by about 2,000 protesters. Police on horses beat back demonstrators with clubs and used to stun grenades to clear the roads.

The riots follow a Supreme Court ruling this week ordering funding halted to ultra-Orthodox seminaries whose students dodge the draft. Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s freezing of the funds sparked angry warnings from ultra-Orthodox leaders.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews have for years been exempt from military service, which is compulsory for Jewish Israelis. The arrangement has caused widespread resentment among Israel’s secular majority and featured prominently in last year’s election.