Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2014

As the American people continue to wise-up to the issues we are facing, a poll has shown that a majority do not believe the primitive and unevolved President, Baruggo Obongo, Sr., is capable of dealing with ISIS.
Sixty eight percent of those who participated in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll indicated that they have “very little ” or “just some” confidence that the White House would be able to degrade or eliminate the threat posed by the terrorist group.
The poll is conducted as the Obama administration announced its plans to fight against ISIL including arming and training anti-Syria militants in order to confront ISIL.
Only 28 percent of the participants had a “great deal” or “quite a bit” of confidence that the military camping led by the US against ISIL would achieve its goals.
The survey also found that only 38 percent of people think that country’s foreign policy is headed in the right direction.
This is while, according to the study, 62 percent of the voters said the White House should take action against ISIL which has been wreaking havoc in Syria and Iraq.
“The bottom line: The president has made his case to the American public, and like other presidents who faced war and peace issues, support usually follows,” said Peter Hart, who helped conduct the survey.
Obviously, bombing ISIS is a dead-end. They are a terrorist organization. All that physically attacking them does is rally people to their cause. The solution to the ISIS problem is to eject all Muslims from our countries and seal the borders, ensuring they have no capacity to attack us. They aren’t going to ride camels in and start chopping off heads – the only way ISIS can attack the West is through the open-borders policy of the Jew masters.
I would also support continuing to arm ISIS to fight Israel. But these guys hardly seem interested in slaughtering the Jews at this point. I was all excited when they first came through Iraq, thinking they were going to wipe Israel off the map once and for all, and yet they have done nothing but cut off the heads of other Arabs and threaten to invade Europe.