Man Dressed as Woman Throws Cake at Mona Lisa to Protest Cow Farts

Mona was a big steak-eater.

She didn’t care that the farts of those animals she thought were so delicious were changing the weather.

The Guardian:

The Mona Lisa has been left shaken but unharmed after a visitor to the Louvre tried to smash the glass protecting the world’s most famous painting before smearing a cake across its surface in an apparent climate-related publicity stunt.

The perpetrator was a man disguised as an elderly woman who jumped out of a wheelchair before attacking the glass on Sunday.

“Maybe this is just nuts to me … ” posted the author of a video of the incident’s aftermath that shows a Louvre worker cleaning the glass. “[He] then proceeds to smear cake on the glass, and throws roses everywhere before being tackled by security.”

The Louvre was not immediately available for comment.

“Think of the Earth, people are destroying the Earth,” the man, dressed in a wig, said in French in another video that showed him being led away from the Paris gallery with the wheelchair, indicating the incident probably had an environmentalist motive.

It’s funny how these leftists can do the most anti-social possible actions and continue to be shielded by the media.

Most of the media is not even reporting a vandalism attack on the most famous piece of art that ever existed in history.