Mass Anti-Hoax Protests Across the World Again

These protests are bigger than the Yellow Vests protests.

Nothing is going to happen. If the French somehow did manage to rush the Parliament and start chopping people’s heads off (as they’ve been known to do), they’d just get bombed by NATO.

But it’s still incredibly heartening to see how many people are not only willing to resist, but to get out in the streets and say enough is enough.

It’s a kind of esoteric point, sort of (maybe), but the amount of resistance during this process of implementing the agenda is going to weaken the stability of the system once it is fully implemented.


More than 50,000 people protested against stricter Covid-19 measures in France on Saturday, as the upper house of parliament approved a bill introducing a vaccine pass.

Around 54,000 people protested across the country, including 7,000 who marched in the capital, according to the Interior Ministry.

Some held banners that read “Freedom” and “Democracy in danger.”

“I’m against the vaccine pass. I’m against mass vaccination – everyone must be free to choose,” a protester in Paris told Ruptly video agency.

Others showed support for unvaccinated Serbian tennis superstar Novak Djokovic, who was recently detained and slated for deportation in Australia for breaking health regulations. “Novak is kind of our standard-bearer at the moment,” a protester told AFP in Bordeaux.

The French Senate, the upper house of parliament, adopted an amended version of the vaccine pass bill the same day. The lower house, the National Assembly, is due to vote on the hotly debated bill on Sunday afternoon.

If adopted, the vaccine pass will replace the existing health pass required for entering establishments including cafes, restaurants, gyms and cinemas. The measure is aimed at incentivizing more people to get fully vaccinated.

Macron said he wanted to “piss off” anti-vaxers – that appears to have worked. Although to be fair – we were all already pretty pissed off.

As always, there’s a total blackout in the English media on these protests (which is I guess less outrageous than the total blackout of what is happening in Australia, an English-speaking country), and Twitter and YouTube are deleting videos of the protests.

You can still find a few videos here and there. (They haven’t yet fully made the move to completely ban anyone who posts videos of real life events, and instead if they decide not to delete your video, they just de-rank it to block others from seeing it. However, I’d say if you come back here in a year, most of the below videos will have been deleted.)

This is hundreds of thousands of people.

At one point, Antifa AKA “The Pfizer Defense Force,” allegedly attacked protesters. It didn’t go well.

There were of course also massive protests across other countries in Europe, and in Australia.

This is the biggest protest movement in modern history.



Germany also had an Antifa pro-forced vax protest, lol.

(Still confused about the German government literally training people to protest in support of its policies?)






In the UK, they are saying the protests were all about a bill to outlaw protests, and pretending like it was all BLM and global warmers.

Obviously, the UK government has encouraged race and weather protests, but more importantly, the race and weather protests have never been even 1% of the size of the anti-hoax protests (though to be fair, the former are violent, while the latter are not – though also to be fair, the government has voiced support for race and weather violence).

I simply cannot stress enough the degree to which the media is the story here. Refusing to cover these protests is quite possibly the single most outrageous thing the media has ever done – but of course, that is just a part of the larger outrage of the media serving as absolute stooges for the government, the pharma companies, the banks, and the entire Great Reset agenda.

Ask people you know if they are aware of these protests. Probably, no one you know is, unless they’re really tapped in. What that means is that the media now has a total lockdown on people’s reality. They have created an entire new reality.

The Republican Party recently announced their 2022 platform, and it contains exactly NOTHING about coronavirus measures. At all. Nothing about mandates or lockdowns or the effect on the economy or any of it. Meanwhile, if you actually polled Republican voters, close to 100% of them would give their top issues as things directly relating to the coronavirus hoax. So, there is literally no organized “democratic” resistance to any of this.

There is just us: the purebloods who are willing to keep saying “no.”