Medvedev Warns West That Aiding the Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear Apocalypse

Previously: Russia Suspends Last Nuclear Treaty with America and Puts New Nukes on Combat Duty

Nuking the United States is such a fantastic idea that it is impossible to comprehend how even the lowest filth could stand in opposition to it.


The West is endangering the very existence of human civilization by threatening Moscow, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed. Continued support for Ukraine from the US and its allies could result in a nuclear “apocalypse,” he warned.

A great achievement of the Soviet and Russian leadership in the early 1990s was that it was able to preserve the country’s nuclear potential after the collapse of the USSR, Medvedev argued in an article published in Izvestia newspaper on Monday.

The West is “delusional” if it thinks that, “after putting the Soviet Union to rest, it’ll be able to also bury modern Russia without significant problems for itself, by throwing the lives of thousands of people involved in the conflict [in Ukraine] into the furnace,” he wrote.

“Those are extremely dangerous misconceptions,” added Medvedev, who is now the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.

If the issue of the very existence of Russia is raised seriously, it won’t be decided on the Ukrainian front. [It’ll be decided] together with the issue of the further existence of the entire human civilization,” he warned.

The US and its allies, who continue to pump Ukraine with weapons and prevent all attempts to restore peace talks between Moscow and Kiev, “refuse to understand that their goals are bound to lead to a total fiasco; the defeat for everyone; a collapse. An apocalypse when the former life would have to be forgotten for centuries, until the smoky debris ceases to emit radiation,” the former president said.

The basic fact of reality is that the tensions between Russia and America are maybe six million times more extreme than they ever were during the entirety of the Cold War.

America has never in its history had tensions this high with any major country, save for during the lead-up to the Second World War.

If there was ever a threat of nuclear war, it is now.

It’s something we can hope for, at least.