Mel Gibson Kicked Out of Mardi Gras Parade Because He Said Mean Things About Jews Years Ago

Mel Gibson said that “Jews are responsible for every war in the world.”

The statement is objectively true. Look at the anti-Moslem wars. Look at this war in the Ukraine. Go back and look at World War II. Jews are to blame for all of it.

Everyone knows it’s true, but you’re not allowed to say it.

Unless you’re Jewish. If you’re Jewish, you’re allowed to celebrate it, like the Israeli papers celebrate neocons controlling Washington and like NYT/WaPo/CNN celebrate Zelensky’s Jewishness.

If a Christian says it, his career is over forever.

Washington Times:

Mel Gibson will no longer be a co-grand marshal for New Orleans’ largest Mardi Gras parade after organizers said they received threats for originally including the actor.

Dan Kelly, president of Krewe de Endymion, said that it “received significant feedback” following Saturday’s announcement that Mr. Gibson would be part of the festivities, according to a statement provided to WWL-TV.

“Some of this commentary included threats that cause us great concern,” Mr. Kelly went on in the statement to the station.

A number of Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, issued their own joint statement to WWL after Mr. Gibson was removed as co-grand marshal.

“Mel Gibson has a long history of making antisemitic, racist and misogynistic slurs. While the actor has made half-hearted attempts to apologize for his remarks over the years, there is still a great deal of pain associated with his name and deep wounds in the Jewish community from those controversies, which may never heal,” the statement read.

This is an outrage.

Mel Gibson is an American hero and a Christian who is willing to fight for Jesus.

Here’s that speech he gave on January 6, 2021 in front of the US Capitol building: