Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2020

Corona should sue whoever named this virus after their beer.
It’s really unfair to them.
Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Saturday said his government will comply with a public consultation to halt the construction of U.S. brewer Constellation Brands Inc’s more than $1 billion brewery project in the border city of Mexicali.
“The citizens of Mexicali decided and we will comply with their will,” Lopez Obrador said.
I don’t know if Mexicans called for the factory not to be built because of the brand name, but probably.
There was a poll that said people were afraid of getting the virus from drinking the beer.
Barron’s, March 7, 2020:
Americans not drinking Corona beer because of the coronavirus made headlines recently. It was fodder for talk-show hosts about the collective American intellect (or lack of). Constellation Brands, the company that markets Corona beer in the U.S., shot back immediately, pointing out Corona beer sales rose 5% over the four-week period ending February 16.
Americans, it seems, aren’t as dumb as the Twitterverse made us seem. But the episode still raises the question: If 38% of Americans say they wouldn’t buy Corona beer “under any circumstances,” how are sales up 5% in the U.S.?
The original news release from February 27 says 5W conducted phone surveys with 737 American beer drinkers. The survey made three claims. First, “38% of Americans wouldn’t buy Corona under any circumstances now.” Next, “Among those who said they usually drink Corona, only 4% said they would stop drinking Corona, but 14% said they wouldn’t order Corona in a public venue.” Finally, “16% of beer-drinking Americans were confused about whether Corona beer is related to the coronavirus.”
I’ve actually seen people drinking the beer as a joke, so a rise in sales makes sense.
But I believe that blacks probably did answer that they wouldn’t drink the beer because of its name. I believe the poll. Blacks don’t drink Corona anyway.
I think Mexicans probably also believe the virus is somehow related to the beer.
For those interested, it’s actually called “Coronavirus” because of the circular ring around it, which are spikes of glycoprotein that enable the virus to attach to and enter cells.
It’s thought that this looks a bit like the corona of the sun, specifically during an eclipse, which is what the beer is named after (it’s distributed by “Constellation Brands” – get it?).
Most people don’t know what a “corona” is, so they hear “Coronavirus” and mentally attach it to the beer, which is the only context in which they’ve heard the word before.