Mexico: Cartels Shoot Up US Consulate After Arrest of Gang Leader

This is all becoming ridiculous.

The US remains this bumbling behemoth, in control of the global economic system, with the most powerful military on earth, but the entirety of the world is in the process of losing all respect, and all fear.

I mean, I hate to sound like a boomer, but I really don’t think that if there were more serious people running the administration, we’d see this collapse of the United States’ standing in the world.


The US consulate in the Mexican border city of Nuevo Laredo was attacked with gunfire on Monday, forcing it to temporarily close.

Shots were fired at the consulate and fires were started in the city following the arrest of gang leader Juan Gerardo Trevino, who is facing extradition to the US on charges of drug trafficking, money laundering, murder, terrorism, and other crimes.

The consulate issued a warning to Americans in the city on Monday, advising them to “avoid the area or seek secure shelter” due to an “emergency situation” near the consulate building. The consulate later revealed the emergency situation to be gunfire.

There’s a good chance the Mexican government will refuse the extradition, if the cartels are able to prove they can inflict more pain than the US can.

At this point, a lot of people are now claiming that the US must be destroying itself on purpose as part of some greater globalist plan.

At some point, when time is on my side in terms of the daily work on the site, I need to go through and just address the points of the people who are claiming that Putin is somehow working with Klaus Schwab, or that there is a plan inside of Washington to shift the power center of the world order to China. I will admit that I don’t fully understand these arguments, because when I play out the scenarios in my head, they just don’t make any sense beyond a superficial Hollywood movie type plot.

But I am seeing this a lot, and I do understand that it is just unbelievable to many people that the West could actually be as incompetent as it appears to be, so it is logical on some level to start coming up with alternate explanations. I don’t fault anyone for entertaining these kinds of theories, and I can guarantee you, I’ve entertained them myself.

But if you work them through to their logical conclusion, you would end up needing all of these counterintuitive assertions which have no basis in observable reality or documented fact.

My position remains that what we are seeing is a totally disconnected, decadent elite, which inherited a power structure from previous generations, and are basically spoiled brats with no ability to conceive of the possibility of America losing its place atop the world stage.

Again, I need a long article to research all of this, but on the point of Vladimir Putin being groomed by the WEF, there just isn’t any evidence of this at all, other than Klaus Schwab saying it. When did this grooming take place? Where is the documentation of it?

In 2021, Putin appeared at the WEF by video conference to slam all of the people, and to threaten them.

Of course, people will say this was a stage act to – to what? To confuse people on internet forums? How many people do you think are paying attention to a Putin teleconference with the WEF?

The idea of Jews somehow taking over and controlling China is equally baseless, and just kind of nonsensical, given that there are no facts to support it, really at all, and in fact, everything indicates the opposite.

Anyway, I’ll leave it there for now, but I’m going to do my research on these theories and do a long, comprehensive article on why I think these theories are wrong, and that the obvious explanation of the US Empire simply being in a state of impending total collapse makes much more logical sense.