Mid-Week Meme Mania: Meh. It is What It Is.

Look, I’m just posting memes today. I don’t feel like writing anything important or interesting. I’ll spam the page with daily news stories about trannies and Ukrainians or whatever, but I’m basically taking the day off, more or less, because I need to relax and also have things to do.

I’ve heard your cries about my review of Starfield.

See: Starfield is a Really Bad Game

None of the negative stuff I said in that review can be untrue. However, it is possible that after you play it for several hours, you learn that there are good qualities that I missed. I don’t know how those good qualities could overcome the negatives. But listen – I’ll put in another few hours. Not today. But maybe this weekend. I’ll give it a bit of time, and see what happens.

I get that people found a Jew joke.

I don’t think that makes up for extinguishing white men. Or the graphics or writing.

Baldur’s Gate has one too (it’s is actually a Holocaust joke about skin lampshades). And Baldur’s Gate is still overwhelming majority white and male.

I played Starfield for a bit last night, after writing my hate review, and I do think the guns are cool, and the retro style is somewhat appealing to my inner child. I don’t think it’s possible that I could ever think this is a “good game,” but maybe the building and the upgrades and the shooting make it not quite as bad as it looks on first glance. I don’t believe that the graphics will get better, or the dialogue or story will improve, or that there will be more white men or fewer girl bosses. But hey – maybe there’s something there. I’ll give it a try, for you guys. When I have time.
