A local news report from Minneapolis says that business at restaurants is down 30-40% since the city implemented their vaccine passport system last month.
City by city, this is happening, exactly as we said it would.
The US doesn’t have the same federal system that European countries have, so cities and states are being pressured to put their own mandates in place.
Eventually, this will be standardized across cities, with the same QR code app.
What is this if not a “lockdown for the unvaxed”? If you can’t go to public places, then yes, you are not technically locked in your house – you can walk around on the streets. For now.
But even as the media and government are falsely claiming that the Covid hoax is “winding down,” more and more cities are restricting the right of movement of the unvaxed.
And of course, these vax passports will only be good as long as you are up to date on your boosters. They will stop working if you haven’t gotten your latest shot. So anyone who signs onto this program is signing on for a lifetime of experimental gene therapy shots.
There is also the obvious fact that this vax pass system is going to extend out into other parts of your life. They are going to hook it into the global warming hoax, and some kind of carbon credit system, where you are punished for eating meat or driving your car. It’s designed to completely control every aspect of your life.
This is all on the World Economic Forum website. I understand it is tedious to read, but it’s all there if anyone wants to go read it. It’s not like I just make this stuff up and am somehow always right.