Money Stresses Americans More Than Coronavirus

You know who doesn’t worry about money?

Study Finds:

While the coronavirus pandemic’s toll on human life has been devastating, the financial fallout may have actually impacted more Americans over the last year. With millions out of work or suffering cutbacks in their hours, a new survey finds nearly 145 million Americans believe they can’t afford another year like 2020.

WalletHub’s new Coronavirus Money Survey also reveals that the nation’s focus is now shifting from the virus to finances. The survey of over 750 Americans in March 2021 finds money is now the biggest stressor around the country.

Three in 10 respondents say money is their greatest concern this year, a 15-percent increase over last year. COVID-19 is still the top stressor for 28 percent of Americans. As coronavirus safety measures fade however, researchers find people are getting back to worrying about how to make ends meet.

The COVID-19 pandemic is now the second biggest stressor in America, with money problems taking first place,” WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez reports in a statement. “The U.S. is rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine and people have gotten used to social distancing measures, which explains why people are worrying a bit less about the pandemic itself. The long-lasting financial consequences caused by COVID-19 are now taking a more prominent position in people’s minds.”

Jobs (14%), relationships (12%), and climate change (9%) round out the top five stressors currently weighing on American consumers.

Researchers also delved into how the nation is trying to weather the financial storm COVID brought to the world in 2020. The report finds 29 million more Americans will apply for a new credit card in 2021 due to the pandemic.

With that in mind, researchers say around 71 million people will likely have trouble paying off their credit card bills. Nearly four in five people (79%) say credit card companies should forgive late payments due to financial struggles caused by COVID-19.

Jill Gonzalez is a moron. COVID-19 didn’t cause any financial problems. All economic problems were caused by what the government did in the name of stopping a fake pandemic that isn’t even increasing the total deaths compared to previous years.

But she does have a point about people getting used to social distancing and to the Virus Regime, which is perhaps the most dangerous thing, because it enables the government to continue doing insane things in the name of public health.

A year ago, we were told we needed a few weeks of lockdown to “flatten the curve” and stop hospitals from being overwhelmed. If they had told people the truth – that it was going to be forever – we would have seen riots all across the country.

Instead, the goyim went along with it.

It is quite easy to get the goyim to go along with unspeakable horrors, as long as you ease them into it.