More Proof That Normal Guys with Guns Stop Feral Nogs with Guns

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2018

Feral dindus are unstoppable – unless you have an armed populace.

This is proof of that fact.

Buy guns (legally) and prepare to use them (in legal situations of self-defense).

Penn Live:

Police in Swatara Township are looking for a man accused of trying to rob a convenience store, but was stopped by an armed patron.

The suspect displayed a handgun and continued into the store, when he was confronted by the armed patron, according to police. The suspect then turned and fled the store.

Police said the patron was licensed to carry a firearm.

The suspect in described as black man wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and a black mask. The suspect also committed an armed robbery at a Turkey Hill in Derry Township about 40 minutes prior, according to police.