Morgan Stanley Says Global Real Estate Apocalypse Already Here

I could have told you this.

But I guess it means a lot more when the experts say it.


Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has predicted a collapse in the US commercial real estate (CRE) sector that will be worse than the Great Financial Crisis. The market faces a “huge hurdle,” with strategists expecting a commercial property slump of around 40%, worse than in 2008, according to chief investment officer Lisa Shalett.

lol 40%


More than half of the $2.9 trillion in US commercial mortgages will be up for refinancing in the next couple of years, she points out.

Even if current rates stay where they are, new lending rates are likely to be 3.5 to 4.5 percentage points higher than they are for many of CRE’s existing mortgages,” she wrote in the report, adding that the sector is facing “a huge refinancing wall.”

The dire warning follows turmoil in the US banking sector, and successive interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, aimed at curbing runaway inflation.

Aside from interest rates, the commercial real estate market is also grappling with sluggish demand for office space brought on post-pandemic remote work, and rising maintenance costs.

Yeah, curbing inflation… while the Biden government continues to print money at a rate much more extreme than anything ever in history.

I’m sure it will all work out.

But if you have Bitcoin, and that price holds, you might be able to clean up on the real estate market. I mean, if this is serious when they say a 40% drop, I’d think that would be a pretty good “clean up” opportunity.

Of course, you’ll be competing with BlackRock, who are the ones who designed this collapse so they could buy up all the property on the cheap.

It’s all so stupid and obvious. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to say about it.